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Please Listen to Your Body: Kia’s Story

I’ve always had a history of health anxiety, always expecting the worst whilst hoping for the best. It took many years for me to manage my fears and understand when I was being rational or otherwise. Toward the end of April 2024, I had this horrible chest pain, directly along the left side of my…

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My Teen Suffered a PE After Surgery: An Anonymous Parent

My family has an extensive history of DVTs and PEs leading up to my teen’s blood clotting episode. I have three grandparents with confirmed clots, one of whom had a filter placed. One of my parents and their sibling both had multiple clots. My teen had spinal fusion with rods for scoliosis, and because of…

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The ER Doctor Didn’t Know Birth Control Could Cause PEs: Betsy’s Story

On Sept. 7, 2016, I escaped sudden death by bilateral pulmonary emboli, a side effect of taking hormonal contraceptives. That morning, my heart was racing when I went to the bathroom to get ready. I was winded when I stood up. Denial had kept me from going, but I knew I needed to go to…

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The PCP Who Dismissed My Concerns Was Dismissed By Me: Kay’s Story

After having provoked blood clots from hip surgery (the symptoms I experienced included leg pain, shortness of breath, and chest pain) I asked my primary care physician if she would order bloodwork to determine if I have a clotting disorder. I was detailing my family members with similar issues: my mother had an unprovoked pulmonary…

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I Almost Left the ER: Lucy’s Story

In October 2020 at age 28, I woke up at 5 a.m. with back pain. It felt like I pulled a muscle. Throughout the day, the pain got worse. It hurt to sit or lie down. By the next morning, I was vomiting from pain and decided to drive myself to the emergency room. The…

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The Doctor Wanted to Send Me Home: Catalina’s Story

My heart was beating unusually and I felt tired; it was a long day. After family holidays and an accident on the road, we were trapped for several hours in the car. When I arrived at my destination, my heart still racing. I felt it in my neck. My heart rate was between 160-180. As…

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Being Diagnosed with a PE was a Traumatic Experience: Lauren’s Story

In early April 2023, I underwent a complete hysterectomy. My recovery was complicated by uncontrolled pain and urinary retention, which required a Foley catheter for a week. I then started experiencing a UTI, which required hospitalization. I was finally improving by the end of April, but on May 5, 2023, I suddenly started to experience…

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My Doctor Laughed At Me: Charmaine’s Story

I was involved in a motorbike accident on August 9, 2023, and had an injury to my left leg. I suffered severe pain but had to go to work. After struggling to walk, I went back to my doctor. He recommended bed rest for about five days. I asked him to admit me to the…

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