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Blood Clot Risks for Transgender Women: Katherine’s Story

My story begins when I first started experiencing swelling in my right ankle after getting home from work one day. Over the next few days I developed pain in my upper calf that started to hurt when walking. I immediately thought it could be a deep vein thrombosis (DVT), but instead of addressing this, I…

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I Appreciate Good Health More Now: Susan’s Story

Turning 50 was no big deal to me. I was healthy, happy, and active. But a few months later, I was diagnosed with five life-threatening blood clots in my lungs, along with a large infarct — a small area of dead tissue resulting from the failure of blood supply – at the base of my…

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This Was Not About Getting Older: Joyce’s Story

In July 2019, I began experiencing shortness of breath on a regular basis, even if I was simply walking from the kitchen to the living room. I thought it was just a sign of aging, since I was 67 years old at the time. However, it progressed to the point that one day I suddenly…

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