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Life Is Different When You’re Living With PTS: Lisa’s Story

At the age of 20, two weeks after giving birth to my beautiful baby girl, I had extreme pain in my lower calf and could barely move. It was swollen, red, and hot to the touch, and heavy. I was frightened! I went to the hospital, where I was diagnosed with a DVT and hospitalized…

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I Keep Worrying That It Will Happen Again: Michael’s Story

One day at work, I suspected that I had malaria. I went to the hospital and had a rapid test done, and the results showed that I was negative. But I went ahead and started taking malaria drugs for three days because I was feeling terrible. I sought treatment again, but at a different hospital,…

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Don’t Dismiss Pain: Stephanie’s Story

I was three weeks away from turning 18 and I was working in checkout in a supermarket when I got what felt like a cramp in my left calf. My family told me to try drinking salt water, but after three days, I woke up with my left leg doubled in size, looking purple, and…

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We Have to Keep on Living: Ayesha’s Story

Two weeks after giving birth to our second son, I got out of bed and noticed my leg was hurting, and I was barely able to put weight on it. I went about my day as normal, but I started to feel heavy and tired. When I sat down and put my feet up, I…

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It Was the Worst Pain I’d Ever Experienced: Anya’s Story

In March 2024, I ran a parent race at my kids’ sporting event. Two days later, I started to experience symptoms similar to costochondritis, an inflammation of the cartilage that connects a rib to the breastbone, including a sharp pain in my ribs. It became worse, and I could not lay flat to sleep and…

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Diagnosed With Five DVTs After a Scooter Accident: Xio’s Story

In March 2011, I had a C-section and developed a superficial clot in my left leg, My treatment was compression socks and I felt better after a week. Years later, on March 30, 2024, I had a fall from an electric scooter. All my weight fell on my left leg, but somehow, I got up…

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Use This As Your Reason to Live: Tilly’s Story

It began with excruciating back pain and shooting pains up my left leg. I felt unable to walk. The week that I noticed my first symptoms, I was back and forth to urgent care and the doctors. They kept saying the same thing, “You have nerve damage” (sciatica). They gave me painkillers and told me…

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I Was Blown Away By the PTSD I Felt: Donna’s Story

On Christmas Eve 2023, I slipped on ice and broke my kneecap. I spent eight weeks in a splint and kept my leg elevated. Two weeks later, I experienced shortness of breath and chest pain suddenly. I went to the ER and was diagnosed with a submassive bilateral PE with right heart strain. I spent…

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Never Let Embarrassment Stop You From Getting Help: Briar’s Story

I am a healthy 23-year-old woman and had never experienced any real health concerns. I walk the same route every morning to work, but on this particular morning, I was out of breath almost instantly. When I sat at my desk, I was still unable to catch my breath. It felt like the air was…

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I Took Estrogen-Based Birth Control For More Than 20 Years: Megan’s Story

I am a healthy 44-year-old mom, wife, and professional who has never had any health issues. But 2024 was an extremely busy year, and I was having a lot of stress and anxiety. In October, I started experiencing some minor pain in my shoulder. Within a few days, the pain had moved into my side…

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