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How I Overcame the Worst Time in My Life at 17 Years Old: Jenny’s Story

I always love to hear the stories of how people beat cancer and overcame diseases, but I never thought anything bad would happen to me. My name is Jenny, and I am a 17-year-old girl who lives in a small town in Iowa. In my high school, I am involved in many activities, including softball,…

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A Life-Threatening Diagnosis Changed My Life: Ashley Cassidy’s Story

I was 23 years old in 2013, and I was a healthy individual who was very physically active, running, and going to the gym preparing for boot camp. It was July and two months before I was scheduled to leave for basic training to fulfill my Navy Corpsman contract that I had signed seven months…

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I’m a Survivor: Paul’s Story

Before that day, I was physically fit. I had recently won the National Championship in the Firefighter Combat Challenge. I was a full time Captain with the Fire Department, and the single parent of a 19 year old son, and 16 and 9 year old daughters. I was happy, my kids were happy. Life was…

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Changed in an Instant: Jenna’s Story

In every person’s life, there is one instance or one moment that changes them in ways they never believed possible. A moment where they reevaluate all that they have and all that they have worked for. Whether it is a good or bad change, it is without a doubt a memorable one. Some happen later…

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I’m the Most Positive Person in the World: Colleen’s Story

My name is Colleen Meredith and my first experience with blood clots occurred my second year of college after having a lobectomy (a surgical procedure that removes a lobe of one of the lungs). I was on my university’s soccer team for my university, and I felt like I was always ill to the point…

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As a Doctor, I Was in Denial: Tanya’s Story

  My name is Tanya Warwick, MD. I am a Vascular Neurologist – a doctor who evaluates, treats and studies diseases that affect the structure and function of the blood vessels supplying the brain, such as strokes – at the University of California San Francisco/Fresno. I am also a patient who had a pelvic DVT…

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I Had My First PE at 16: Cassie’s Story

Cassie Sheffield and her birth family were affected by blood clots, and discovered that the family has a genetic blood clotting disorder, Antithrombin (AT) III deficiency, that carries a high risk for blood clots.  Cassie not only developed multiple pulmonary emboli in her teenage years, she learned that her mother and two brothers had AT…

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I Ignored My Symptoms: Geraldine’s Story

A few years ago, I felt unusually weak, faint, and short of breath while walking with my husband and three children.  I needed to take breaks to rest and catch my breath. Given that I work full time as a Registered Nurse and am 37 years old, I thought I was just tired from a long and…

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 I Still Live With a 6-Inch Blood Clot: Cassandra’s Story

Cassandra Bradshaw was at death’s door due to a large blood clot found in her inferior vena cava and an infection after delivery, but she refused to believe her prognosis and is now a hopeful survivor who wants to spread awareness. I was 23 years old when I gave birth to a sweet baby boy…

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Birth Control Pills Can Pose a Risk for Blood Clots: Sharon’s Story

Four years ago, I found out that taking birth control pills could almost take my life! Shortly after returning from my honeymoon in December 2007, I felt severe abdominal pain. My former primary doctor changed the brand of my birth control pills, prescribed ibuprofen for pain, and eventually sent me for a pelvic ultrasound that…

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