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If You Believe You Can, You Will: John’s Story

In the fall of 2020, a near-fatal bilateral pulmonary embolism came from nowhere, cause unknown. As a 14-time marathoner and in the best shape of my life, this came as a complete shock. Following my diagnosis, I was put on blood thinners. As an athlete, adjusting to the blood thinners was a challenge. I was…

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I Was Diagnosed with a DVT and IVCT: Sam’s Story

I am 28 years old and fairly active. I go to Crossfit five times a week. Blood clots were never on my radar screen. But on May 1, 2020, as I was walking to my car, I was overcome by dizziness and lightheadedness as I have never experienced before. I was also fatigued from walking…

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Two Blood Clots 20 Years Apart: Tim’s Story

My name is Tim. I was born, raised, and still live in Salem, Arkansas. Salem is a small town with many people raising cattle. My dad always had a few heads of cattle and, growing up, I would get on calves trying to ride them. I grew older and started getting on young bulls until…

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Making a Full Recovery: Paul’s Story

One year ago, I was diagnosed with a massive blood clot in my lung. It occurred when I was away for the long Martin Luther King Jr. weekend on a ski trip in New York. Early that weekend, on a Saturday, I had a minor fall getting off of the lifts. I injured both of…

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If You Think You Have A Blood Clot, Take Action: EJ’s Story

I was 41 years old when I was headed in for a right knee meniscus repair on September 25, 2019. I had a similar repair done on my left knee in June of 2016. As a machinist and mechanic, I have always had to rely on my knees to push through the days. The physical…

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Dealing with Blood Clots is Not Easy: Matt’s Story

In 2013, I graduated from high school and was all set to join the military in July. I was extremely active, running every day, and lifting weights. A couple weeks prior, I woke up to the worst pain I have ever felt in my right leg. It felt like an over-the-top muscle tear. Over the…

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This Can’t Be Happening: Tom’s Story

On December 31, 2014, I went to a dinner party at a friend’s house for New Year’s Eve. I was uncomfortable the whole time. Simply put, my calf ached. I remember thinking, “That’s odd, I haven’t exercised in days, so why does my calf hurt so much?” I struggled to sleep that night and spent the next…

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Cancer is a Risk Factor for Blood Clots: In Memory of Jon Charles Shain, as Told by His Wife Kathy

I am writing this story in memory of my husband, Jon Charles Shain, who passed away due to blood clots on January 26, 2019. Jon’s risk for getting a blood clot was high, but unfortunately, he did not realize it. Jon was being treated for prostate cancer for several years. Cancer is a risk factor…

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Climbing to New Heights: Wes’ Story

In February of 2017, a friend challenged me to climb Mount St. Helens in August. At the time, I figured this was an easily attainable goal and we signed up. April came and I noticed some soreness in my right calf. During my lunch breaks I would climb the stairwell at work (16 floors), and…

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Steve’s Story, As Told by his Loving Wife

My husband, Steve Brenner, died of a massive pulmonary embolism (PE) or blood clot in his lung, at the age of 53, on August 15, 2016, just days before he was scheduled for hip replacement surgery. This was preventable. If Steve’s doctor or one of his colleagues at their orthopedic practice had replaced Steve’s hip…

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