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I Went in Circles for Years Trying to Get Answers: Cassandra’s Story

I had my first deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism at 18 years old due to May-Thurner Syndrome. My symptoms were left lower abdomen pain and fainting. I was told multiple times it was a miracle I was alive due to the clot burden. I spent 12 days in the hospital and had a temporary…

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The Hematologist Told Me to Buy a Lottery Ticket For How Lucky I’d Been: McKenna’s Story

In the summer of 2021, I started to experience extreme back pain. At times, I was unable to sit down or move at all.   Being an active 20-year-old who grew up playing sports, I attributed my pain to a tweak that I just needed to stretch out. But the pain continued getting worse, and my…

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We Lost Our Son at the Age of 20: Adam’s Story

As told by his mother, Jenifer. On Dec. 3, 2020, I took my 18-year-old son, Adam, to the ER. He had severe back and leg pain, and his leg was swollen and purple. I thought that it was a pinched nerve or maybe a kidney infection.    Doctors discovered a massive clot in his left…

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Women Need to be Extremely Careful About Birth Control: Amy’s Story

My name is Amy, and I experienced a massive deep vein thrombosis (DVT) at 17. I was at school when I experienced excruciating pain in my lower back and legs. At the hospital, I was told I had a urinary tract infection that had spread to my kidneys, and was prescribed medication.   I had trouble…

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I Suffer from Anxiety and PTSD Now: Louise’s Story

On January 1, 2002, I woke up feeling like I had a weight on my foot and was dragging my leg. As the morning went on, my leg felt like it was double the size of my right, and I was in pain. My husband took me to the emergency room.   The doctor believed I…

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The Clot Went From My Groin to My Ankle: Janis’ Story

I have always been a relatively active person, and I participated in kickboxing and powerlifting.   It was 2020 and I was one month away from my 30th birthday, doing jump squats in my living room due gyms closed by COVID. I felt a pain in my left hip and thought I pulled a muscle.   …

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What Affects Me Most is the Anxiety: Jocelyn’s Story

I started to get sick very frequently around March 2019. I was having terrible colds and coughing all of the time. A few months later, I started having difficulty climbing stairs and couldn’t even walk without developing shortness of breath and feeling like I was having a heart attack.    I went to my primary care doctor…

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I Had a Blood Clot at 14: McKenna’s Story

When I was 14, I flew to my dad’s house in California to celebrate Christmas with him and my siblings. By the middle of the week, my left thigh was swollen, red, and hot and I couldn’t walk on it. I tried many things to get myself moving, but it hurt too much.   When I…

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Young People Get Blood Clots Too: Michelle’s Story

When I had a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in my left leg, I was a 19-year-old college freshman who had never heard of blood clots before. I assumed I’d broken my leg and hobbled to two classes before going to the hospital. The hospital was a rural one with only four beds in the ER,…

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This Needed More than a Tylenol Prescription: Ashley’s Story

At 31 weeks pregnant, I was getting ready for the arrival of my baby when I started experiencing extreme pain in my left leg. I remember going to my baby shower and barely being able to walk. This was very concerning, so after the baby shower, I called my OB/GYN and explained the symptoms I…

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