My Baby Saved Me: Kelly’s Story
My name is Kelly; I’m a 35 year old wife and mother of 4 daughters. I have been fighting my DVT for over a year now. Despite my battle, I want everyone to know that I consider myself a victorious survivor. I have had 5 surgeries, 3 stents implanted, had more scans and blood tests…
I Should’ve Trusted My Instincts: Kara’s Story
September of 2010 was busy in the King household. The kids had just started a new school year, I was neck deep in volunteer work at school, and I was teaching cooking classes on fall cooking techniques. We were so busy that I never stopped to think about the weird pains that started affecting my…
MTS Has Changed Me: Jassmin’s Story
My name is Jassmin Robinson and I am a 14 year old young lady from Ohio. I was correctly diagnosed with May Thurner syndrome on January 1, 2008. Another name for this syndrome is iliac vein compression syndrome, because the left iliac vein in the groin is compressed by the right iliac artery. This increases…