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Mental health

My Symptoms Were Misdiagnosed as Anxiety: Tamara’s Story

I had knee surgery and was six weeks post-op, so I had no worries about clots. I was also on birth control, though. I stretched one night and felt excruciating pain in my left rib. I could barely move. I managed to get to a hospital and was told it was costochondritis — inflammation of…

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I’m Very Anxious: Joel’s Story

In 2004, following two invasive surgeries in four weeks, I had a severe event. I had an immediate pain in my calf and suspected a blood clot. I told the surgeon and he said I didn’t have the symptoms of a blood clot, and aside from my calf pain he was right. There was no…

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My Mental Health Has Suffered More Than My Physical Health: Denise’s Story

In May of 2019, I began experiencing a dry cough. It continued to progress to the point where I could no longer hold a conversation without coughing every four words or so. I went to a family doctor who brushed it off as adult-onset asthma and allergies, gave me a chest X-ray, and sent me…

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Listen to Your Intuition, Manage Fear, and Advocate For Yourself: Julie’s Story

In October 2023, I had just returned from a Florida vacation. The following day, I woke up with a subtle ache in my left calf. When I shared with my husband, he casually said, “Do you have a blood clot?” But after years of international flights with no issues, it was easy to attribute the…

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Blood Clots Kicked Me When I Was Already Down: James’ Story

I woke up one morning in the summer of 2011 with nausea and pain in the left side of my torso/abdomen. At first, I wrote it off as a stomach bug and called in sick at work. After a couple of days, I was feeling worse so went to an urgent care clinic. The doctor…

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My PE Triggered a Seismic Shift in My Lifestyle: Wendy’s Story

In Paris, during my second night, searing pain tore through my right lung. I hurried to the hospital and straight into the ICU. Reality hit hard. Blood clots besieged my lungs, diagnosed as a pulmonary embolism (PE), stemming from a larger clot in my left calf—deep vein thrombosis (DVT). The cause? Not a mere muscle…

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There is Hope: Kacie’s Story

I developed my first deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) around 10 weeks pregnant with my second child. From then on, I was on enoxaparin sodium injections and everything was going great until 37 weeks, when the same feeling in my leg came back. We returned to the hospital where an ultrasound once…

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If I Had Waited One More Day, I Wouldn’t Be Here: Heather’s Story

Last March, I had turned 35 exactly a week before my traumatic discovery. I had a terrible, terrible, headache. I knew that after a few days of having this head pain, something wasn’t right. I was flown out of my local emergency room to a stroke center, where I was told I had two brain…

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Many Doctors Aren’t Familiar with CVST: Abigail’s Story

I woke up one morning with the worst headache of my life. I immediately thought it was a migraine because my mom suffers from them. I had also been sick for weeks before, so I thought it could have been from that. So I popped a couple of ibuprofen and went to work. It never…

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I’ve Become a Passionate Advocate for Mental Health Support: Carrie’s Story

In November 2022, I caught COVID-19 and was battling sickness for over a week. Mild symptoms persisted for a few weeks beyond that, but I was pretty much back to my normal routine by December. In January 2023, I began noticing symptoms that I had never experienced in the months prior: random shortness of breath,…

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