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This Experience Changed the Course of My Life: Libby’s Story

When I was 18, I was diagnosed with multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli. I was an active young adult, attending university and playing volleyball for my school. I woke up one night not being able to catch my breath and felt crazy amounts of pain in my ribs, upper right quadrant of my abdomen, and back.…

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I’m Relearning How to Trust Myself: Hillary’s Story

Ah summertime, my favorite time of year. Except last year. Last year, I found myself with sudden side and chest pain, difficulty breathing, inability to fully stand or sit upright, and inability to recline back seated or lay down in any position. Within 24 hours of these symptoms, I went to the doctor. He treated…

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Misdiagnosed With a Pulled Muscle: Dominique and Michelle’s Story

As told by her mother, Michelle Dominque, known to her friends and family as “Meeka,” loved the Maine outdoors and spent as much time as possible at camp on Moosehead Lake. Growing up, she enjoyed playing soccer, basketball, and softball. Meeka was a member of the Windsor Historical Society and volunteered at the Windsor Fair…

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Misdiagnosed With a Gallbladder Attack: Bob’s Story

My wife and I have an RV and sometimes we are on the road for 6-10 hours without stopping. One day, after a long trip, I began having pain in my left calf. I went to my doctor and he ordered an ultrasound on my leg and discovered a blood clot. I started taking a…

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I’m a Nurse and I Missed The Signs: Rachael’s Story

In April of 2024, I flew from Tennessee to California for work. The night after arriving, I woke up in the middle of the night with a bad calf cramp. The following day, my calf was extremely sore– like the worst muscle cramp I’d ever had. That same day, I took another flight from California…

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I Was Diagnosed With Unexplained Chest Pain: Kyndal’s Story

At the end of summer in 2018, I was days away from the beginning of my college soccer career at Furman University. Every day that summer, I was preparing my body physically for the demands of being a college athlete. During my last workout before I left for preseason, I began experiencing chest pain, shortness…

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It Was The Beginning of My Transformation: Nicki’s Story

I just had my one-year clotiversary! Last Presidents’ Day, on February 19, 2024, I faced a life-altering struggle. After days of coughing up blood and an urgent care provider’s dismissive reassurance that I simply had a bad case of bronchitis, I finally found help in the emergency room. Doctors diagnosed me with an unprovoked pulmonary…

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I’m Thankful for my General Practitioner: Jonathan’s Story

In January 2025, I collapsed at A&E (the emergency department in the UK) with chest pain and a racing heart (tachycardia.) I have a history of arrhythmias and spent three days in the hospital for tests, and was put on medication for arrhythmia before being discharged. I was due to have a follow-up and was…

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I Don’t Believe They Ever Knew in the ER That He Had a Blood Clot: Mike’s Story

As told by his wife Mendy My husband Mike was a healthy, active 50-year-old who suddenly passed on December 19, 2024, due to an unprovoked pulmonary embolism. His autopsy listed a saddle and bilateral main and right and left pulmonary thromboembolism, with complete 100% occlusions within the main right and left pulmonary arteries.  The night…

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My Symptoms Were Dismissed: Sophee’s Story

In April 2020, at the peak of COVID, I started experiencing pain in my lower back. During a walk with friends, a sharp pain would shoot down my right leg with every step. I tried to ignore the pain and continued the walk. Later that evening, my leg started to swell, and the pain got…

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