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My Survival Was a Miracle: Jessica’s Story

Jessica Phillips survived a life-threatening PE right after giving birth to her fourth child.  Her DVT symptoms were overlooked and a massive PE ensued, so her OB doctor introduced many changes in her practice to prevent DVT and PE after Jessica’s near death. On October 29 2010, I gave birth by C-section to my fourth…

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Spent the Night Googling My Symptoms: Lauren’s Story

By: Lauren Hamentz My name is Lauren Hametz and I graduated from West Virginia Wesleyan College in May 2012 with a Masters degree in Secondary Education, although I am originally from Edinboro, PA. Recently, I stumbled upon Stop The Clot on Facebook, and immediately felt a strong connection to National Blood Clot Alliance. Why?  In…

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Her Death Taught Us Lessons: Deborah’s Story As Told By Her Twin Sister, Mary

Mary Bare wrote this story about the death of her twin sister Deborah from a pulmonary embolism.  She is so motivated to spread awareness of signs and symptoms of DVT and PE and is using social media to do so via a Facebook page called Forever Deborah. My name is Mary Bare.  My story is personal,…

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No Matter How Young You Are, You Can Get a Blood Clot: Sara’s Story

I took what I thought was a routine flight to visit my family in Florida in October 2009.  My leg had been bothering me a little before the flight, due to chronic Achilles tendonitis.  When I got off the plane in Florida, my leg seemed stiffer than usual.  The flight was uneventful, and since it…

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Persistence Is Sometimes Needed to Get a Correct Diagnosis: Theresa’s Story

I was 30 years old and 6 months pregnant with my first child when I developed an acute deep vein thrombosis (DVT).  I had no prior knowledge of clotting disorders and had been on birth control for 10 years before I conceived.   It was a Thursday night when I first felt a tingling and slight…

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I Began Coughing Up Blood: George’s Story

George’s persistence helped save his life after his first pulmonary embolism was misdiagnosed and his initial DVT was not treated. I reported for one of my 24 hour shifts as a Firefighter/Paramedic in November 2007.  There was a carbon monoxide call that required me to be on a ladder for an extended time that meant…

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I Refused to Accept Asthma as my Diagnosis: Laura’s Story

My story begins after I lost my dog, Lakota, from sudden internal bleeding, who was my pet and wonderful friend for 12 years.  I was so upset at my loss that I wept for many hours; the type of weeping that caused my chest to heave.  Later that night, I had severe cramping along the…

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I Should’ve Trusted My Instincts: Kara’s Story

September of 2010 was busy in the King household.  The kids had just started a new school year, I was neck deep in volunteer work at school, and I was teaching cooking classes on fall cooking techniques.  We were so busy that I never stopped to think about the weird pains that started affecting my…

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Misdiagnosed With Asthma: Carlos’ Story

My experience with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) started in June 2010 when I was 37 years old.  My symptoms began a couple of days after I returned to Miami from a two week trip to Israel with my wife and best friends.  I felt a sharp pain in my left calf…

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Initially Misdiagnosed With Asthma: Anonymous’ Story

I consider myself a healthy 47 year old woman.  I exercise daily, eat healthy food choices, and am a non-smoker. In April 2011, I felt stabbing pains in my back on the right hand side under my rib cage, and the pain got worse every time I took a breath.  My husband drove me to…

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