Tell Doctors Your Family Medical History: Andy’s Story
My name is Andy Morris, age 26. I have always been aware of the threat of blood clots, because my dad has had to take a “blood thinner” daily due to a protein deficiency. He has a history of blood clots in his legs, and in one instance in particular he developed not just one,…
Pregnant Women Need To Assess Their Blood Clot Risk: Lisa’s Story
I never knew that I was a risk for a blood clot that nearly killed me. One week after giving birth to my second child I started experiencing hip pain, called the OB office, spoke with a nurse and I was told that it was probably the result of delivery and I was advised to…
The Other Side of Nursing: Christa’s Story
My name is Christa and I have been a cardiac nurse at South Shore Hospital in S. Weymouth, MA for the past 15 years. My story is not from any of my many years of working in the medical profession but rather of the challenges I came across from the other side of nursing, as…
Misdiagnosed With Chest Wall Pain: Jim’s Story
My sport and how I got started are directly linked. I lost my father and grandfather to blood related cancers when I was a young boy. In 2005 I became aware of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Societies Team in Training and got involved. I became an endurance athlete and began raising money to fight blood…
After My Sister’s Death, Our Fears Now Shift to Our Children: Kimberly Story
Kimberly Hennings of Colorado shares her and her sister’s story of pulmonary embolism. Kim developed multiple PE’s post-surgery in November 2007. She later found out she carries prothrombin G20210A genetic thrombophilia, as do all of her family members except her mother. Tragically, her sister Angela died of a PE at age 40 in July 2008. …
MTS Has Changed Me: Jassmin’s Story
My name is Jassmin Robinson and I am a 14 year old young lady from Ohio. I was correctly diagnosed with May Thurner syndrome on January 1, 2008. Another name for this syndrome is iliac vein compression syndrome, because the left iliac vein in the groin is compressed by the right iliac artery. This increases…
A Clot From My Belly Button to Knee: Jane’s Story
It’s around 4:00 AM, and I’m still awake. Why? Because I am 20 years old and want to feel normal again and I can’t make what I am dealing with go any faster. My story started awhile ago. Unknowingly, I began using a well known brand of birth control patch that was so prominent that…
Proudly Wearing Compression Stockings: Katie’s Story
Katie was a junior in high school in 2007. Her periods were irregular and her doctor suggested that she begin taking birth control pill to regulate them. We told her physician that her father had been diagnosed with factor V Leiden after a tiny stroke at age 39. We were told that this constituted a…
Don’t Let Anyone Dismiss Your Symptoms: Haley’s Story
I am a 21 year old female who was diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) in February 2012. I grew up playing sports, enjoyed many outdoor activities, and loved spending time with my loved ones. I had just moved about 900 miles away from home to Northern Ontario to begin nursing…
I Felt Like I Was Having a Heart Attack: Jessica’s Story
Jessica Stadler went from being a healthy, active young woman to someone with 3 pulmonary emboli (PEs), and she wants to alert everyone to the signs and symptoms of DVT and PE, so that they seek care right away. I have always been considered the healthy one among my friends and family. As an athletic young…