I Was Never Warned About The Possibility of a DVT: Alyson’s Story
In April 2024, while training for a half marathon, I experienced an unprovoked deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in my right arm. I had been consistently running since the start of the year in preparation for a May race and decided to cross-train with light weights for one week. After lifting on Tuesday and Wednesday, I…
I Have Medical PTSD From This Experience: Ariel’s Story
I had been struggling to breathe for a long time, but always thought it was anxiety or asthma. I had told my doctor for months I couldn’t breathe and she always treated me as if I was crazy. In August 2024, I started feeling really sick and had chest pain, I was tired and coughing…
Don’t Hesitate to Get Checked Out if You Have Problems Breathing: Ginger’s Story
In late July 2024, I started having a series of high fevers that would come and go for several weeks. One Monday morning, I felt out of breath and couldn’t finish my many conference calls. I wasn’t having any pain or fever, just out of breath and tired. By that night, I could only lay…
It’s Common to be Misdiagnosed: Molly’s Story
In late September 2023, my left calf started aching mysteriously. The pain was radiating up and down my leg so I thought maybe it was a pinched nerve. It was getting hard to walk, so I did an online urgent care visit. I was diagnosed with muscle strain and told to wrap it, take ibuprofen…
My Doctor Dismissed My Leg Pain as Sciatica: Ashley’s Story
At 31 weeks pregnant, I was getting ready for the arrival of my baby when I started experiencing extreme pain in my left leg. I remember going to my baby shower and barely being able to walk. This was very concerning, so the next day, I called my OB/GYN and explained my symptoms. Unfortunately, she…
Use This As Your Reason to Live: Tilly’s Story
It began with excruciating back pain and shooting pains up my left leg. I felt unable to walk. The week that I noticed my first symptoms, I was back and forth to urgent care and the doctors. They kept saying the same thing, “You have nerve damage” (sciatica). They gave me painkillers and told me…
We Must Be Advocates for Ourselves and Our Family Members: Marcus’ and Shannon’s Story
As told by his daughter, Shannon In April 2024, my father, a retired police lieutenant, was diagnosed with duodenal cancer. He was unable to have the tumor removed and was undergoing chemotherapy. In late August 2024, he started complaining about being dizzy and lightheaded. He went to his primary care provider who told him that…
I Was Blown Away By the PTSD I Felt: Donna’s Story
On Christmas Eve 2023, I slipped on ice and broke my kneecap. I spent eight weeks in a splint and kept my leg elevated. Two weeks later, I experienced shortness of breath and chest pain suddenly. I went to the ER and was diagnosed with a submassive bilateral PE with right heart strain. I spent…
I Dealt With Pain and Swelling For Five Years: LaVon’s Story
After leaving the gym in 2017, I experienced the worst pain imaginable in my right leg without having an injury. I thought maybe the pain would leave after icing and elevating it. But, as the day went on, the pain and swelling worsened to the point I couldn’t stand or walk on it. I went…
I’m More Mindful: Lainey’s Story
I was being evaluated for chest pain by a pulmonologist who was treating me with opioids. The night before my diagnosis, I was participating in a group yoga class where I won a T-shirt for sweating the most. I had pools of sweat under me like it was a Bikram class, but the A/C was…