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Paramedics Assumed It Was Anxiety: Christina’s Story

As told by her mother, Darla My daughter, Christina, suffered a broken foot on January 6, 2015, just two weeks after her 30th birthday. The podiatrist put her in a walking boot and gave no restrictions. Christina then developed calf pain and went to the ER on January 10, 2015. The ER sent her home…

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I Developed Two More PEs While Hospitalized: Sarah’s Story

I took poorly at the end of March 2018 with what I thought was a chest infection. I was prescribed antibiotics, but I was gradually getting worse. The doctor then started me on treatment for pneumonia. I was still feeling very poorly, though, and when I coughed up blood, I went to A&E (emergency room…

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Be Persistent When Something Doesn’t Feel Right: Ebony’s Story

Early in my pregnancy, I thought I’d pulled a muscle in my left calf. The pain was horrible for at least two weeks. I soaked it and elevated it, but the pain didn’t cease. I went to urgent care but they sent me home and told me to continue to take Tylenol, ice, and elevate.…

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Blood Clots Kicked Me When I Was Already Down: James’ Story

I woke up one morning in the summer of 2011 with nausea and pain in the left side of my torso/abdomen. At first, I wrote it off as a stomach bug and called in sick at work. After a couple of days, I was feeling worse so went to an urgent care clinic. The doctor…

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My PE Triggered a Seismic Shift in My Lifestyle: Wendy’s Story

In Paris, during my second night, searing pain tore through my right lung. I hurried to the hospital and straight into the ICU. Reality hit hard. Blood clots besieged my lungs, diagnosed as a pulmonary embolism (PE), stemming from a larger clot in my left calf—deep vein thrombosis (DVT). The cause? Not a mere muscle…

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It’s So Important to Fight For Your Health: Taylor’s Story

Throughout my pregnancy, I experienced pain and cramps in my legs, and lots of strange, unexplained bruising. My OB/GYN said it was normal. The last month of my pregnancy, I started having occasional chest pains and my breathing had become different. It didn’t feel like shortness of breath. The only way I could explain it…

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The Pressure and Pain Were Unbearable: Autumn’s Story

No one will ever forget when the world shut down because of COVID in 2020. A few days later, I started to lose feeling in my left leg. Whenever I stood up, my leg turned purple. While everyone else was taking walks to pass the time during lockdown, I was finding it harder and harder…

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I Thought I Had a Blood Clot, But No One Listened: Cherree’s Story

Three months after a surgical procedure, I went to urgent care as my leg was turning colors and I couldn’t walk. I was told that I had plantar fasciitis on the top of my foot. That was so off track, so I went to a sports medicine doctor who diagnosed me with tendonitis just by…

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Don’t Ignore the Ache: Demi’s Story

In September 2022, I gave birth to my second child, a little boy weighing 9 lbs. and 11 oz. Sadly, he passed away at 12 days old due to issues during my labor, which caused brain damage, specifically hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). At my six-week checkup with my general practitioner, I mentioned pain in my stomach…

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This Experience Has Scared Me: Sally’s Story

At 45, I was a healthy, active mom and just thought I was having ongoing respiratory issues from a previous cold and cough. I suddenly had pain in my chest, shortness of breath, and a rapid heart rate, which got worse if I walked around. I went to a walk-in clinic the next day, where…

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