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This Was a Wakeup Call: Emily’s Story

In October 2020 I began to experience difficulties breathing, sharp stabbing pains, and dizziness that continued for for five days. During this time, I was avid long distance runner and weight lifter. My life revolved around fitness. I assumed since I was in such good physical condition that something like this would ever happen to…

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Love Your Fam Like Crazy Every Day: John’s Story

Our son John died as a result of massive bilateral pulmonary embolism on August 10, 2023 after a high-risk cosmetic procedure performed on July 29, 2023 in Hawaii. John was less than 10 days post-op when his symptoms first began. His cause of death was cardiac arrest secondary to massive bilateral pulmonary embolism. My biggest…

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I Begged Them to Look at my Lungs for Clots: Renee’s Story

I had two episodes where I was walking through my house and felt something in my chest. I felt clammy like I was about to pass out. After the second episode in March 2020, I went to the doctor I told her I thought I had blood clots. I felt something dragging through my chest…

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I’ll Never Ignore My Body Again: Chrissy’s Story

At 35 weeks pregnant, I had a feeling that something was severely wrong. While cooking Father’s Day breakfast for my husband, I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I called my OB and was told to come into triage for monitoring. I was admitted, but my oxygen levels were perfect, and my EKG was pristine. I…

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No One Should Have to Bury Their Child: Brianne’s Story

As told by her mother Nancy My world changed in 2014 when my 22-year-old daughter Brianne died in my arms. I was in so much shock that she passed away. She had leg pain, then trouble breathing, and I just couldn’t figure out what was wrong. I didn’t know why until the medical examiner conducted…

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My Doctor Laughed At Me: Charmaine’s Story

I was involved in a motorbike accident on August 9, 2023, and had an injury to my left leg. I suffered severe pain but had to go to work. After struggling to walk, I went back to my doctor. He recommended bed rest for about five days. I asked him to admit me to the…

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Never Lose Hope in the Face of Adversity: Jennifer’s Story

In 2009, I experienced the most challenging and life-changing event. After giving birth to my beautiful baby girl by C-section, I was overjoyed, but soon faced a series of unexpected and frightening health complications. Two days after giving birth, I began experiencing severe abdominal pain and could barely move. This pain went on for weeks,…

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There’s A Reason I’m Still Here: Barbara’s Story

I am a 2x pulmonary embolism survivor. My first one was in July 2013. I had traveled out of the country, come home, and traveled for my daughter’s soccer games. I was on birth control and overweight. We got home from a weekend tournament, and when I went to stand up, it felt like I…

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The Symptoms Were So Subtle: Sonja’s Story

As told by her daughter Kirsten My mother Sonja was a sparkling school principal and 62 years old. She loved her teachers and children. In mid January 2022, she had a pain behind knee that she was used to, as she had mild arthritic chronic pain. She made her usual chiropractor appointment on January 27,…

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Blood Clots Are Often Misdiagnosed as Pneumonia: Taylor’s Story

My 14-year-old son died. I took him to the doctors twice the same week of his death. They diagnosed him with light pneumonia in his left lung. He died less than a week later and when the autopsy came back, it showed he had blood clot in his left lung and no pneumonia. I’ve done…

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