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Gaining the Confidence to Pursue a Diagnosis: Helen’s Story

I am an avid recreational bicyclist. At the age of 51, I attempted my first multi-day bicycle tour. A couple of days after the six-day tour, I noticed a sharp pain in my left calf. It didn’t feel like a muscle pull. Honestly, it felt like a blood clot, but there was no redness and no…

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I Am a Survivor: Sarah’s Story

I have always heard it said, “pain is weakness leaving the body,” and as a Marine, I’ve always been one to push my limits, but nothing could prepare me for what was to come. I found enjoyment in long distance runs long after I completed my time in the Marine Corps and trained for marathons.…

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A Knee Injury Turned Dangerous: Jamie Kreger’s Blood Clot Story

My story begins with a knee injury in October 2015. I was in an immobilizer brace for about four weeks. I was also taking birth control pills. I was 39 years old and very active. On November 6, 2015, I woke up and then passed out once I stood up. About twenty minutes later, I…

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You are Stronger than You Think: Nicole’s Story

I love to travel. I grew up in Boston, and after college I moved to Washington, DC. Moving away from home and my family was the hardest decision I’ve ever made, but one of the most rewarding as well. By taking this leap of faith, I grew so much as a person and traveled to…

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A Clot at 19 Years Old: Ashley’s Story

As any teenager does, I struggled with the insecurities of acne. After exhausting many acne clearing options, I decided to see my doctor about it. When I went to see my doctor, I brought up the fact that I knew other girls who were on birth control for their acne and I wanted to try the…

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My Saving Grace: De’Shawn’s Story

As I look back on my blood clot experience, my symptoms started in mid-July, when I had a sharp pain in my right calf. I recall asking my aunt, a former nurse, “How do you know when you have a blood clot?” I dismissed the pain I was experiencing as due to a recent increase in…

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Forever Changed: Summer’s Story, as Told By Her Partner

My name is Hub Williams and I would like to share my wonderful partner’s story. On January 6, 2016, we lost a loving, caring, and amazing woman — who was only 36 years old — to a pulmonary embolism (PE or blood clot in the lung). Her name was Summer Kylene Gibney. She was very healthy and…

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Knowing Your Risk Could Save Your Life: Jessica’s Story

My name is Jessica Nichols and I am a 28-year-old female living in Cheshire, England. In December 2015, I had the shock of my life when I was diagnosed with a Pulmonary Embolism or blood clot in my lung. I woke up one Saturday with a very sore knee. However, I didn’t think much of it at the…

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Finding Strength in Numbers: Brittney Berlingeri’s Blood Clot Story

We are all incredibly strong, remember that when the bad days outweigh the good ones. My name is Brittney Berlingeri and I am twenty-two years old. Over the summer, I was diagnosed with a pulled muscle that was then diagnosed as “pneumonia,” despite the fact that my D-Dimer test was elevated. I could not breathe. It was…

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Don’t Wait to Get Help: David’s Story

My name is David Chadwick and I am a 27-year-old male. On January 18, 2016, I was walking to a shop that is about three minutes from my house. I typically use this time to make mobile calls, as the reception in my house is terrible. I was on the phone with my friend when she said,…

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