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You Can’t Take Breathing For Granted: Leah’s Story

My orthopedic surgeon dubbed me his “airplane” girl, because of an ironic twist of fate (and twist of my knee!).  Believe it or not, I tore the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in my right knee as I was getting onto an airplane in October 2006.  One would think I might be injured throwing a football…

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I Began Coughing Up Blood: George’s Story

George’s persistence helped save his life after his first pulmonary embolism was misdiagnosed and his initial DVT was not treated. I reported for one of my 24 hour shifts as a Firefighter/Paramedic in November 2007.  There was a carbon monoxide call that required me to be on a ladder for an extended time that meant…

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Died of a PE at 23: Anna’s Story

Anna Frutiger embodied brains, beauty, compassion, and athleticism, and seemed the picture of health while she was living her dream of becoming a dentist. No one expected that a blood clot would end her life, and it seemed beyond belief that Anna died on May 20, 2010 from a pulmonary embolism (PE) due to an…

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Running Nearly Cost Me My Life: Kristine’s Story

Running is my greatest passion, but at age 27 it nearly cost me my life.  Last March, I ran a half-marathon and went straight into training for a full marathon.  I noticed a pain in my hip after I completed the half-marathon, but like most runners, I ran through the pain.  As it turned out,…

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I Refused to Accept Asthma as my Diagnosis: Laura’s Story

My story begins after I lost my dog, Lakota, from sudden internal bleeding, who was my pet and wonderful friend for 12 years.  I was so upset at my loss that I wept for many hours; the type of weeping that caused my chest to heave.  Later that night, I had severe cramping along the…

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I Should’ve Trusted My Instincts: Kara’s Story

September of 2010 was busy in the King household.  The kids had just started a new school year, I was neck deep in volunteer work at school, and I was teaching cooking classes on fall cooking techniques.  We were so busy that I never stopped to think about the weird pains that started affecting my…

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A Routine Sports Injury Was Actually a Blood Clot: Dan’s Story

I am a 56+year old male.  I have occasional asthma, primarily exercised induced.  If I notice asthma symptoms while working out, I can usually push through them and finish the work-out, although I do use a bronchodilator when I need to. I am an avid martial arts devotee – black belt in one style, brown…

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The Doctor Was Not Convinced That I Had a DVT: Pamela Lynn’s Story

My experience with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) began more than 30 years ago in November 1979 when I was 30, and pregnant with my second child.  I flew with my husband and 3-year-old daughter from our home in Texas to visit my husband’s family in California for the Christmas holidays the next month.   While there,…

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Misdiagnosed With Asthma: Carlos’ Story

My experience with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) started in June 2010 when I was 37 years old.  My symptoms began a couple of days after I returned to Miami from a two week trip to Israel with my wife and best friends.  I felt a sharp pain in my left calf…

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My PE Was Linked To Protein C Deficiency: Michael’s Story

During the summer of 2008, I started feeling lightheaded when I walked up stairs or tried to lift something heavy.  This was a strange and new experience for me, since I go up and down stairs at work or at home about 30 times a day without effort.  I was then 41 years old and…

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