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In Memory of Jamie Lee Gravley: His Blood Clot Story

  My name is Melanie Gravley, and I am 23. This story is about my husband, Jamie Lee, who lost his life due to a pulmonary embolism (PE) in June 2012 at age 22. We were together since June 20, 2007, married on Sept 3, 2010, and welcomed a son on May 20, 2011. We…

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Don’t Stop Fighting: Tara’s Story

  Tara Robison was startled at age 20 by 21 blood clots in her lungs. She was misdiagnosed at first, but her persistence in seeking further care saved her life. In June 2010, I felt a pain in the right side of my upper chest that I thought at first was just gas pain.  I…

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Do Not Wait to Seek Care: Melissa’s Story

I was a healthy 25-year-old who ran numerous half marathons, sprint triathlons, and I am also an active Crossfitter. I never in my wildest dreams thought that I’d battle life-threatening blood clots in my calf (deep vein thrombosis/DVT) and lungs (pulmonary embolism/PE). I noticed lingering calf pain in my left leg in September 2011. There…

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I Was Told I Had a UTI: Jennifer’s Story

If someone would have told me a year ago that my birth control pills were killing me, I would have laughed. At 25 years old, I was on the top of my game. Professionally, I had just started my dream job six weeks prior as a meteorologist at NBC 6 in Miami. Physically, I was…

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Misdiagnosed Repeatedly: Cheryl’s Story

I noticed I had a cough that would not go away in November 2007. I knew it wasn’t a cold, because I didn’t have any other symptoms of a cold.  I went to my doctor the next month, and she couldn’t identify a cause.  She suggested that I try allergy medication for a week, but…

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I Had My First PE at 16: Cassie’s Story

Cassie Sheffield and her birth family were affected by blood clots, and discovered that the family has a genetic blood clotting disorder, Antithrombin (AT) III deficiency, that carries a high risk for blood clots.  Cassie not only developed multiple pulmonary emboli in her teenage years, she learned that her mother and two brothers had AT…

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Afraid to Breathe: Samara’s Story

Samara McAuliffe gave birth to a daughter by what she thought was an uncomplicated C-section until she developed a pulmonary embolism eleven days later. I gave birth by emergency C-section in 2006 to a son, and the surgery was life-saving for both of us.  My daughter was born by a routine C-section on Christmas Eve,…

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I Increased My Risk Without Realizing It: Lisa’s Story

Lisa was an active 27 year old woman when her life was interrupted by blood clots in both her left leg and her lungs that she found out were related to May Thurner’s Syndrome. My name is Lisa Jensen and I am a fortunate survivor of both a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism…

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My Survival Was a Miracle: Jessica’s Story

Jessica Phillips survived a life-threatening PE right after giving birth to her fourth child.  Her DVT symptoms were overlooked and a massive PE ensued, so her OB doctor introduced many changes in her practice to prevent DVT and PE after Jessica’s near death. On October 29 2010, I gave birth by C-section to my fourth…

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Spent the Night Googling My Symptoms: Lauren’s Story

By: Lauren Hamentz My name is Lauren Hametz and I graduated from West Virginia Wesleyan College in May 2012 with a Masters degree in Secondary Education, although I am originally from Edinboro, PA. Recently, I stumbled upon Stop The Clot on Facebook, and immediately felt a strong connection to National Blood Clot Alliance. Why?  In…

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