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Proudly Wearing Compression Stockings: Katie’s Story

Katie was a junior in high school in 2007. Her periods were irregular and her doctor suggested that she begin taking birth control pill to regulate them.  We told her physician that her father had been diagnosed with factor V Leiden after a tiny stroke at age 39. We were told that this constituted a…

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Having a PE/DVT After a Leg Fracture: David’s Story

By: David Bock September  2009 I was seriously injured when I slipped and fell in Upland, California on March 8, 2008, while visiting there from my home in Arizona.  I was rushed to the emergency room of the nearest hospital where the ER doctor diagnosed fractures of my left tibia and fibula in my lower…

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Blood Clot Awareness is my Platform: Lisa’s Story

Lisa Thomas is Mrs. Rosemount and is a contestant in the Mrs. Minnesota pageant. She is using her pageant platform to promote awareness about risk of blood clots, because she is a survivor of a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and wants to use the pageant microphone to help Stop The Clot. My name is Lisa…

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I Felt Like I Was Having a Heart Attack: Jessica’s Story

Jessica Stadler went from being a healthy, active young woman to someone with 3 pulmonary emboli (PEs), and she wants to alert everyone to the signs and symptoms of DVT and PE, so that they seek care right away. I have always been considered the healthy one among my friends and family. As an athletic young…

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