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This Experience Has Scared Me: Sally’s Story

At 45, I was a healthy, active mom and just thought I was having ongoing respiratory issues from a previous cold and cough. I suddenly had pain in my chest, shortness of breath, and a rapid heart rate, which got worse if I walked around. I went to a walk-in clinic the next day, where…

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Keep Finding Joy in Little Things: Arielle’s Story

I am a two time blood clot survivor. My first pulmonary embolism was at 21 after endometriosis surgery and while on birth control, and my symptoms included shortness of breath and back pain making it impossible to sit back or lie back. My second clot happened when I was 25 after a cross-country flight. I…

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I Want to Help Raise Awareness: Corrinne’s Story

In the spring of 2023, I gained a new appreciation for the gift of breathing. Over a period of weeks, I grew increasingly short of breath. As I was misdiagnosed twice, first with allergy-induced asthma and then bronchitis, I struggled more and more to breathe during everyday activities. After several weeks, I was so short…

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I’ve Become a Passionate Advocate for Mental Health Support: Carrie’s Story

In November 2022, I caught COVID-19 and was battling sickness for over a week. Mild symptoms persisted for a few weeks beyond that, but I was pretty much back to my normal routine by December. In January 2023, I began noticing symptoms that I had never experienced in the months prior: random shortness of breath,…

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I’m a Nurse, But Being on This Side is Different: Jennifer’s Story

In 2020, I awoke after a cardiac catheterization procedure to find my right leg swollen and discolored. I asked the nurse to contact my physician, but was informed the symptoms I was experiencing were normal. After four hours of lying flat, I continued to bleed from my incision site. Despite the immense pain that radiated…

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Be Aware of Your Body: Lyrene’s Story

In late February 2023, I was at work and experienced an extreme cramp in my right calf muscle. I just thought it was due to me being on my feet the entire day and I tried to walk it off. My calf was swollen, warm, and it was uncomfortable to walk. It felt as though…

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I Couldn’t Accept This Odd Diagnosis: Elle’s Story

I woke up one morning with back pain. I live an active and healthy lifestyle, so I figured I pulled a muscle working out the day prior. I took some ibuprofen and went about my morning. The pain continued to get worse, and eventually wrapped around my right flank up into my right chest and…

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I’ve Learned I’m Not Alone: Robin’s Story

On the evening of November 29, 2023, I was preparing for bed when I experienced shortness of breath and a racing heart rate. I chalked it up to having taken my heart medication two hours late. The next morning, I was very short of breath with pressure in the middle of my chest. It hurt…

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I Felt Like I Was Having a Heart Attack: Andrew’s Story

For over a month and a half, I had excruciating, indescribable pain in my leg. I was given lab tests, but doctors couldn’t detect anything. My PCP and the ER continued to give me steroids and pain medication, stating it must be coming from my back, which made no sense based on the pain and…

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The ER Sent Me Home With No Answers: Emily’s Story

When I was 34 weeks pregnant and 25 years old, I started experiencing pain in my left calf. Being a nurse, I started to question when I should be concerned about the pain. I reached out to my obstetrician and was advised to drink more water and walk more often. The following weekend, I traveled…

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