I Didn’t Give Blood Clots a Second Thought Before Experiencing Mine: Alison’s Story
Last July, I started feeling tightness in my chest when I breathed in deeply. I ignored it for awhile, as it didn’t seem to cause any real issues. A month or so later, I went to my doctor to make sure it wasn’t Covid or another respiratory infection. The doctor ran basic bloodwork, which came…
I’m Grateful for the Insightful Urgent Care Provider Who Saved My Life: Mary’s Story
I had lower right leg pain for more than a month. I finally went to urgent care in October 2022. I described the pain as a pinging inside my leg and I thought it was a stress fracture. The provider asked a few questions about medications. I told her I took tamoxifen to reduce a…
Please Listen to Your Body: Kia’s Story
I’ve always had a history of health anxiety, always expecting the worst whilst hoping for the best. It took many years for me to manage my fears and understand when I was being rational or otherwise. Toward the end of April 2024, I had this horrible chest pain, directly along the left side of my…
My Teen Suffered a PE After Surgery: An Anonymous Parent
My family has an extensive history of DVTs and PEs leading up to my teen’s blood clotting episode. I have three grandparents with confirmed clots, one of whom had a filter placed. One of my parents and their sibling both had multiple clots. My teen had spinal fusion with rods for scoliosis, and because of…
The ER Doctor Didn’t Know Birth Control Could Cause PEs: Betsy’s Story
On Sept. 7, 2016, I escaped sudden death by bilateral pulmonary emboli, a side effect of taking hormonal contraceptives. That morning, my heart was racing when I went to the bathroom to get ready. I was winded when I stood up. Denial had kept me from going, but I knew I needed to go to…
I Am My Best Advocate: Jessica’s Story
I am one of the lucky ones. At 46, I was active and healthy. On April 27, 2020, during a round of backyard badminton with my kids, I felt woozy and dizzy and needed to lie down. I couldn’t move or speak. I had a stroke! More specifically, a posterior cerebral artery (PCA) stroke. I…
I Was Overcome With Intense, Debilitating Chest Pain: Nina’s Story
I had been feeling unwell for several weeks. I had swelling and pain in my legs and other random symptoms. I had bought almost every leg cream in an attempt to get some sleep at night. All that was pushed aside when my daughter went into labor unexpectedly just a few days before my husband…
I Almost Left the ER: Lucy’s Story
In October 2020 at age 28, I woke up at 5 a.m. with back pain. It felt like I pulled a muscle. Throughout the day, the pain got worse. It hurt to sit or lie down. By the next morning, I was vomiting from pain and decided to drive myself to the emergency room. The…
I Had to Figure Everything Out on My Own: Sue’s Story
In the spring of 2018, I began having severe shortness of breath. I’m an asthmatic and was using a rescue inhaler constantly, but it didn’t help much. After about six weeks of complaining to my healthcare providers, they did a chest x-ray that was normal. Two weeks later, I was back in the office with…
I Have Alarms Reminding Me to Take My Medication Twice Daily: Sherri’s Story
I am a wife and mother of four girls. I began having complications with my fallopian tubes and painful menstrual cycles. I had both fallopian tubes removed, one in 2020 and the other after I had baby #4 in 2021. I ended up having a hysterectomy in February 2023. About a week after having the…