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Protein C deficiency

Misdiagnosed Repeatedly: Cheryl’s Story

I noticed I had a cough that would not go away in November 2007. I knew it wasn’t a cold, because I didn’t have any other symptoms of a cold.  I went to my doctor the next month, and she couldn’t identify a cause.  She suggested that I try allergy medication for a week, but…

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I Was In Denial: Brianne’s Story

Brianne Paisley is pregnant and has Protein C deficiency.  She had a large DVT in her groin during this pregnancy for which she self-injected with low molecular weight heparin, but is now awaiting the birth of her second child. My name is Brianne Paisley, and I want to share my story with anyone and everyone…

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My PE Was Linked To Protein C Deficiency: Michael’s Story

During the summer of 2008, I started feeling lightheaded when I walked up stairs or tried to lift something heavy.  This was a strange and new experience for me, since I go up and down stairs at work or at home about 30 times a day without effort.  I was then 41 years old and…

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