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Protein S deficiency

Take Control and Take Steps to Prevent Blood Clots: Ashley’s Story

My name is Ashley, and I was diagnosed with factor V Leiden, protein S deficiency, and protein C deficiency in March 2017. I was a waitress at the time, and I had just torn my shoulder due to a weight lifting accident. So, I started running outside a lot to stay active before I had…

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I Had Three PEs: Kirsys’ Story

For all of my life, I have struggled with my weight. When I was 23 and 346 pounds, I decided to get gastric bypass surgery. That is when my nightmare started.  After the surgery, I followed my doctor’s orders to walk as much as possible. However, I started experiencing chest pain about a week later…

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Back Pain was my First Symptom: Kassidy’s Story

Five years ago, at the age of 23, I developed dozens of blood clots in both of my legs, my pelvis, and my stomach.  Two weeks earlier, I was experiencing daily back pain on my lower right side. My OB/GYN chalked the pain up to ovarian cysts, which had never been a problem before. I…

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Even Babies Can Get Blood Clots: Julian’s Story

  I want to share my story. My mom helped me write this: My name is Julian Adams, I’m 5 years old. I live in Belgium. When I was (exactly) 1 year old, I developed a blood clot in my leg, as a result of the chicken pox. I was very sick and I was…

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Misdiagnosed Repeatedly: Cheryl’s Story

I noticed I had a cough that would not go away in November 2007. I knew it wasn’t a cold, because I didn’t have any other symptoms of a cold.  I went to my doctor the next month, and she couldn’t identify a cause.  She suggested that I try allergy medication for a week, but…

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My Son Died at 14: Kyle’s Story, as Told by His Mother

I am the mother of Kyle Baca, who at age 14 was the victim of a “massive bilateral pulmonary embolism” (PE) on the morning of October 30, 2010. I knew Kyle was sick, but I thought it was an upper respiratory infection at the time.  He played football that season for his high school freshman team,…

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