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My Risk Factors Were a Perfect Storm: Presley’s Story

On March 31, 2023, while playing high school softball, an opposing player slid into me, breaking my tibia and fibula. I was taken to a nearby hospital via ambulance where I underwent surgery the next morning. My leg had some swelling over the next couple of months, but it was never bothersome until June 8.…

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Everyone Heals Differently: BreAnna’s Story

On a Saturday night, five days post-hysterectomy, I felt mild rib pain on my right side and became easily out of breath, even just rolling over in bed. Thinking it was my asthma, I used my inhaler and messaged my OB since breathing issues were on my watch list. My OB responded Monday morning, asking…

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Blood Thinners Need to be Available at a Lower Cost: Lydia’s Story

I had my first child in 1989 by C-section. Four weeks later, my left leg was hurting so badly that I could hardly walk. I went to the hospital and was told I had a blood clot in my left leg (DVT) and had to stay in the hospital for one month. This was hard…

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My Road to Recovery is a Lifetime Journey: Vanessa’s Story

In September 2022, a couple of weeks after undergoing an emergency appendectomy, I was woken up by an intense pain in my knee. It lasted a few minutes and then I went back to sleep. A few days later, the pain came back and spread to my thigh, and I could not put weight on…

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If Something Feels Off, Get It Checked Out: Emily’s Story

When I went in for hip surgery to repair my labrum — a ring of cartilage in the hip that stabilizes and cushions the hip joint — I was excited. After two years of limited mobility, I couldn’t wait to get back to the active lifestyle I loved. I’d likely injured myself training for triathlons,…

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It’s Important to Follow Post-Op Instructions: Janee’s Story

On Thursday, August 15, 2024, I had right knee surgery to repair a torn meniscus. On Saturday, I experienced cramping in my calf that radiated up to my knee and behind it. By Sunday I had shortness of breath and a racing heart, the pain in my leg was excruciating – hot and radiating up…

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Having a Blood Clot Will Not Slow Me Down: Barbara’s Story

In August 2023, I had my second bunionectomy. The first was in 2015 with no complications. This time would prove differently. Preparing for surgery, I was advised by the surgical team to curtail my activities in the following days. After surgery, I adhered to the instructions. I elevated my leg often and limited going up…

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I Refuse to Let CTED Control My Life: Lizzie’s Story

I suffered a massive saddle pulmonary embolism as well as multiple smaller PEs, some of which are now chronic, in October 2022. My event was provoked by an unsuccessful vascular ablation that left my great saphenous vein partially open and Covid 19. Two years later, I still experience intermittent chest tightness and fatigue. After an…

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My Experiences with DVTs and PEs have Changed my Life: Hannah’s Story

On September 8, 2021, when I was 24, I had an emergency appendectomy. Four days later, I went into the ER for extreme calf pain and tightness in my chest, as it felt like I couldn’t get a full breath. I was diagnosed with DVTs in my left leg and bilateral lower lobe pulmonary emboli.…

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Life Goes On After Blood Clots: Krissy’s Story

The first pulmonary embolism I had was in 2015, six weeks after having foot surgery. I was terrified as I couldn’t breathe. I was put on a blood thinner and hospitalized for three days. My second pulmonary embolism was at the end of 2022. I had chest pain, so I went to the ER. They…

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