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The ER Doctor Did Not Want To Do a CT Scan: Meghan’s Story

About two weeks after a surgical procedure, I began having pain on my left side near my rib cage and towards my back. I assumed I had pulled a muscle due to overcompensating with my upper body post-surgery. The pain became relentless and I began having shortness of breath that I assumed was musculoskeletal pain…

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Two Major Surgeries When I Had Clots: Mary’s Story

In January 2024, I started having difficulty walking up a long hill to get to my car after work. It got to the point where it scared me how hard I was breathing by the time I got to the top. In February, I had a pre-surgical exam for a shoulder replacement scheduled in March.…

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I Credit My PT and Orthopedic Clinic for Their Action: Molly’s Story

I hurt my knee, and after 10 months of physical therapy, I found myself having a meniscus repair surgery. Post-surgery, I was in physical therapy again. About six weeks after surgery, I noticed more swelling, which I attributed to being at work for some very long days and not having time to walk around as…

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Surgery and Travel Resulted in Three DVTs: Chris’ Story

In 2006, I completed my fall lacrosse season in my senior year at Eastern University. I was experiencing a lot of knee pain and after an examination, I was diagnosed with a torn meniscus. I needed knee surgery to clean out the knee and fix the tear. The day after my surgery, I noticed that…

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I Couldn’t Walk Without Extreme Pain: Kris’ Story

In July 2022, I gave birth to my second child via C-section. In October, I was doing physical therapy for my back. I woke up one morning and my left leg felt off, like a bad muscle cramp. Within a few days, it progressed to the point where I could not walk without extreme pain…

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The PCP Who Dismissed My Concerns Was Dismissed By Me: Kay’s Story

After having provoked blood clots from hip surgery (the symptoms I experienced included leg pain, shortness of breath, and chest pain) I asked my primary care physician if she would order bloodwork to determine if I have a clotting disorder. I was detailing my family members with similar issues: my mother had an unprovoked pulmonary…

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I Have Alarms Reminding Me to Take My Medication Twice Daily: Sherri’s Story

I am a wife and mother of four girls. I began having complications with my fallopian tubes and painful menstrual cycles. I had both fallopian tubes removed, one in 2020 and the other after I had baby #4  in 2021. I ended up having a hysterectomy in February 2023. About a week after having the…

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Being Diagnosed with a PE was a Traumatic Experience: Lauren’s Story

In early April 2023, I underwent a complete hysterectomy. My recovery was complicated by uncontrolled pain and urinary retention, which required a Foley catheter for a week. I then started experiencing a UTI, which required hospitalization. I was finally improving by the end of April, but on May 5, 2023, I suddenly started to experience…

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Love Your Fam Like Crazy Every Day: John’s Story

Our son John died as a result of massive bilateral pulmonary embolism on August 10, 2023 after a high-risk cosmetic procedure performed on July 29, 2023 in Hawaii. John was less than 10 days post-op when his symptoms first began. His cause of death was cardiac arrest secondary to massive bilateral pulmonary embolism. My biggest…

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Never Lose Hope in the Face of Adversity: Jennifer’s Story

In 2009, I experienced the most challenging and life-changing event. After giving birth to my beautiful baby girl by C-section, I was overjoyed, but soon faced a series of unexpected and frightening health complications. Two days after giving birth, I began experiencing severe abdominal pain and could barely move. This pain went on for weeks,…

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