I Suddenly Lost All Vision: Haley’s Story
I was 23 years old and 40 weeks into a high-risk pregnancy. I was considered high risk because of a cyst cutting the circulation off to my right ovary, and I also had endometriosis. I had a C-section on August 17, 2020. After the surgery, I returned to my hospital room and cuddled up with…
I Advocate For Myself More: Jessi’s Story
In October 2021, I had a fall that caused my left knee to dislocate. It was determined that I had fractured my patella, and torn the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) in my knee. Since I had a history of dislocations, I opted for an MPFL reconstruction to reduce the chance of dislocation in the future.…
I Was Told I Was Too Young for Blood Clots: Audrey’s Story
At 20 years old, I was healthy, fit, active, and recovering from an ACL tear from a year and a half prior. When I finally went in for reconstructive surgery on June 19, 2020, it was at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, already a very stressful time. I was aware that I had a…
I Had No Idea That the Pain in my Knee Was a Warning Sign: Mark’s Story
About a week after having an arthroscopy on my left knee, I was icing the top of the knee and commented to my wife that I really should be icing the back of my knee. What I did not know at the time was that the back of the knee hurt because I was passing…
Life is So Very Precious: Daisy’s Story
I’ve experienced deep vein thrombosis twice in my life so far. In 2010, when I was six weeks postpartum, I had cramps in my calf that lasted for three days, but I had no discoloration or swelling. I called my doctor and they had me come in “just in case.” An ultrasound of my right…
I Was Told it Was Just Inflammation: Alphonso’s Story
I am a 48-year-old male and in March 2023, I was diagnosed with a blood clot spanning from my lower right calf up to the pelvic area. This was the result of a meniscus procedure I had done on my right knee approximately four weeks earlier. The first symptoms I experienced were tightness, swelling,…
The Doctor Who Almost Sent Me Home was Very Apologetic: Jersey’s Story
On Nov. 17, 2021, I had a right knee arthroscopy, an outpatient procedure that only took only 15 minutes. I was told I would be back walking in two to three weeks. However, my healing time would be severely prolonged. Two days after my procedure, I began having a painful charley horse in my right…
I Developed a Blood Clot While on an Anticoagulant: Linda’s Story
I injured my ankle in 2017 and needed surgery. Shortly after, I woke up in the middle of the night with intense pain in my back. I knew it was bad, as I was having difficulty moving. My husband took me to the ER, where I was fortunate that they did take me seriously. They…
Our Bodies are Meant to Move, Not to be Stationary: Karen’s Story
It all started when I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. I had an adverse reaction to the chemotherapy treatment, which caused bleeding ulcers to develop from my throat down my esophagus to the site where the cancer had been removed. This landed me in the hospital for over five days. Because I had lost so…
Not Only Have I Lost Central Vision In My Left Eye, I’ve Also Lost My Son: Debbie’s Story
My first blood clot happened in 2004. I was working as a phlebotomist in a blood bank when my calf felt tight and painful to walk on. I saw my doctor the same day and was sent for a Doppler of my lower left leg. It showed a blood clot, or deep vein thrombosis (DVT).…