Not Only Have I Lost Central Vision In My Left Eye, I’ve Also Lost My Son: Debbie’s Story
My first blood clot happened in 2004. I was working as a phlebotomist in a blood bank when my calf felt tight and painful to walk on. I saw my doctor the same day and was sent for a Doppler of my lower left leg. It showed a blood clot, or deep vein thrombosis (DVT).…
I Now Have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Amy’s Story
Although I had experienced symptoms of supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), which is a rapid heartbeat, for at least 18 years, I wasn’t officially diagnosed with SVT until August 2018. I was advised by my cardiologist to have an ablation – a procedure for restoring normal heart rhythm – to prevent episodes of SVT from reoccurring. Approximately…
My Hospital Stay Contributed to My Blood Clots: Krista’s Story
I started 2020 with a three-level spinal fusion surgery in my lower back. I recovered for about five days in the hospital. During that time, I was given conflicting information: The nurse told me to get up and walk, and the doctor told me to lay flat and move as little as possible. I remember…
It Was Impossible to Know That a Deadly Clot was Developing: Jeff and Abigail’s Story
My husband Jeff passed away suddenly from deep vein thrombosis (DVT) that developed into a pulmonary embolism (PE) 19 days following ankle surgery to repair a fracture. There were no warning signs. He was an active and healthy 52-year-old with no history of any clotting disorders. His leg was wrapped from the foot to…
I Cut Back on My Meds to Provide For My Baby: Alan’s Story
It started in 2013 with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in my right leg and a pulmonary embolism (PE). After walking around on a sore and swollen leg for a while, I experienced severe shortness of breath after climbing two flights of stairs. My brother took me to the hospital, where I was treated and placed…
Make Sure to Move Around After Surgery: Jake’s Story
I had abdominal surgery in July 2020 and had a difficult recovery. I could barely move. On Sunday, October 18, 2020, I woke and showered. I was home alone — my wife was visiting her brother. While climbing the stairs back to our bedroom, I became extremely short of breath. Despite that, I made my…
It Could Have Been Prevented: Andrea’s Story
On November 7, 2020, I received a phone call from my stepson Conner. I could tell by the fear in his voice that something was terribly wrong. I remember his exact words, “Dad is conscious, but you need to meet us at the hospital now! Dad is in an ambulance they’re taking him to the…
A Combination of Missed Risk Factors: Gina’s Story
In 2017, at 21 years old, I was undergoing my third surgery on my left knee after I had torn my ACL and meniscus playing college basketball. I was back on the court a few short weeks later, but felt that my hamstring was unusually tight. This didn’t seem right to me, so I decided…
Mamas Get Blood Clots Too: Justine’s story
I had my first blood clot when I was 24 years old after ACL reconstruction surgery — a risk factor for blood clots that I was unaware of. After my surgery, I noticed that my arm was warm, swollen, and red, all signs of blood clots. I knew something was off, and decided to go…
An Overdue Diagnosis: Alysa’s Story
In February 2021, at 28 years old, I was diagnosed with a 5.5- inch blood clot in my left vena cava. I was admitted to the hospital and the images revealed that the clot had been present and developing for more than a year and a half! I also underwent knee surgery one month prior…