I’m Inspired By Others Who’ve Been Through This: Christina’s Story
I was 33 years old. I had a cramp in my leg and figured it was just that until it lasted three days. I’ve always been judged and misunderstood when it comes to my health anxiety but this time it saved my life. I knew something wasn’t right and made a doctor’s appointment. I had…
I’ll Never Know the Cause: Ann’s Story
On March 19, 2024, my right arm turned purple from hand to shoulder with swelling. I went to the ER and was diagnosed with a 10-inch DVT clot in my upper arm. Since then, I have had four surgeries and six hospital visits requiring a total of 22 days of inpatient care. Currently, I have…
Advocating For Awareness Has Been Incredibly Rewarding: Dan’s Story
On July 31, 2021, after being misdiagnosed and sent home almost a week prior, I finally received a diagnosis that would forever change my life: sub-massive pulmonary emboli and pulmonary infarction. I call it “the back pain that saved my life.” My primary symptom was upper back tightness and discomfort, which I later learned was…
The Doctor Said a DVT Was Highly Unlikely: Kelly’s Story
One week I was a healthy 24-year-old hiking mountains, the next I was bedridden in a hospital with an unprovoked 20cm DVT. I had an unusual cramping pain in my leg on a Friday night. I took some painkillers and decided to sleep it off. The next morning I felt okay and set off for…
Please Listen to Your Body: Kia’s Story
I’ve always had a history of health anxiety, always expecting the worst whilst hoping for the best. It took many years for me to manage my fears and understand when I was being rational or otherwise. Toward the end of April 2024, I had this horrible chest pain, directly along the left side of my…
I Was Misdiagnosed as Having a Heart Attack: Julie’s Story
In November of 2022, I was driving home from work when out of nowhere, my heart started hammering and went out of rhythm. I made it home and told my partner that I wasn’t okay and needed to go to the ER immediately. We got as far as the local urgent care where I told…
I’m Back to Doing Everything I Want to Do: Joe’s Story
My story began with a nagging ache in my calf. I had ignored it for a few days thinking it was a pulled muscle. Other than a leg cramp, I did not have any other symptoms. I had done my usual six-mile run and worked in the yard later that day. It was not until…
The Fear of Death Loomed Over Me: Mercedes’ Story
It all began around the Christmas holiday in 2022 when I started experiencing what I thought was indigestion. Despite trying various over-the-counter medications, nothing seemed to relieve my discomfort. By New Year’s Eve, my condition had worsened, but I pushed through to celebrate the new year. However, while ascending the train steps, …
She Had No Known Risk Factors: Shelby’s Story
As told by her mother, Noelle. My daughter passed at age 27 from a saddle pulmonary embolism on February 28, 2024. She stayed home from work with a headache. She got up after a nap, came downstairs and passed out. She came to and was clammy and sweaty. She said she was fine but we…
I Want to Help Raise Awareness: Corrinne’s Story
In the spring of 2023, I gained a new appreciation for the gift of breathing. Over a period of weeks, I grew increasingly short of breath. As I was misdiagnosed twice, first with allergy-induced asthma and then bronchitis, I struggled more and more to breathe during everyday activities. After several weeks, I was so short…