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Please Listen to Your Body: Tonya’s Story

I started experiencing pain in my left calf and by morning the next day, I was in excruciating pain. I called my doctor’s office and they asked me to come in as soon as possible. After the D-dimer bloodwork results showed I likely had a clot, I received a Doppler scan that revealed the DVT.…

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I’ve Spent the Last Decade Fighting to be Heard by Medical Professionals: Kate’s Story

In July 2023, I went to the emergency room with immobilizing pain and swelling in my left leg. I was quickly diagnosed with two DVTs and was put on apixaban despite being a healthy 37-year-old with no risk factors. About six weeks later, I was still experiencing pain and swelling. I requested another ultrasound despite…

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I’ve Become a Passionate Advocate for Mental Health Support: Carrie’s Story

In November 2022, I caught COVID-19 and was battling sickness for over a week. Mild symptoms persisted for a few weeks beyond that, but I was pretty much back to my normal routine by December. In January 2023, I began noticing symptoms that I had never experienced in the months prior: random shortness of breath,…

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My DVT Was Misdiagnosed as Postpartum Swelling: Chelsea’s Story

In the Spring of 2013, I was expecting my first children, twin girls! My twins arrived at just 30 weeks and were both in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). About 2-3 weeks after their birth, I noticed some discoloration on my leg, and it felt a little weak. I went to urgent care, where…

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We Have No Idea Why I Clot: Fran’s Story

I had my first DVT about 15 years ago after a surgery that damaged my deep vein, which slowed the blood flow and increased the risk of clots. I gave myself enoxaparin injections and went on warfarin (that’s all there was at the time) for six months. Two years ago, I had an unprovoked superficial…

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I’m a Nurse, But Being on This Side is Different: Jennifer’s Story

In 2020, I awoke after a cardiac catheterization procedure to find my right leg swollen and discolored. I asked the nurse to contact my physician, but was informed the symptoms I was experiencing were normal. After four hours of lying flat, I continued to bleed from my incision site. Despite the immense pain that radiated…

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Be Aware of Your Body: Lyrene’s Story

In late February 2023, I was at work and experienced an extreme cramp in my right calf muscle. I just thought it was due to me being on my feet the entire day and I tried to walk it off. My calf was swollen, warm, and it was uncomfortable to walk. It felt as though…

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I Couldn’t Accept This Odd Diagnosis: Elle’s Story

I woke up one morning with back pain. I live an active and healthy lifestyle, so I figured I pulled a muscle working out the day prior. I took some ibuprofen and went about my morning. The pain continued to get worse, and eventually wrapped around my right flank up into my right chest and…

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I’ve Learned I’m Not Alone: Robin’s Story

On the evening of November 29, 2023, I was preparing for bed when I experienced shortness of breath and a racing heart rate. I chalked it up to having taken my heart medication two hours late. The next morning, I was very short of breath with pressure in the middle of my chest. It hurt…

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The ER Sent Me Home With No Answers: Emily’s Story

When I was 34 weeks pregnant and 25 years old, I started experiencing pain in my left calf. Being a nurse, I started to question when I should be concerned about the pain. I reached out to my obstetrician and was advised to drink more water and walk more often. The following weekend, I traveled…

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