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My Life with May-Thurner Syndrome: Kelly’s Story

I can still remember sitting alone in the emergency room sending funny selfies to my Mom. Why not? I lived in Pennsylvania and she was in North Dakota, and, of course, she was worried. I, on the other hand, was annoyed. Everything started with terrible lower left back pain that eventually moved to my left…

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If Something Doesn’t Feel Right, Get it Checked: Tanya’s Story

In 2005, I had severe uterine bleeding which lasted for 10 months. As a result, I was forced to have an emergency hysterectomy. In an effort to try to stop the bleeding, I was encouraged to take high doses of estrogen-based birth control pills. Two days before my surgery, I was also given two shots of estrogen-based…

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Staying Positive Through My Experience with CVST: Maddie’s Story

Maddie first learned about blood clots from reading the warning label on her estrogen-based birth control prescription, but she never thought one would happen to her, especially in her brain. Read about her CVST diagnosis and recovery, and find out how she chooses to stay positive.

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The Day that Changed My Life: Kimberly’s Story

Kimberly experienced ongoing chest pain, a racing heart, and shortness of breath, which she thought were most certainly due to a heart attack. She sought help from the emergency room on multiple occasions and was told she was experiencing anxiety, but she knew something was wrong. It wasn’t until she went to a different hospital that doctors …

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Gaining Understanding After My Blood Clot: Sarah’s Story

Sarah was a full-time college student when doctors discovered a blood clot in her abdomen that blocked almost all of her collateral veins and produced swelling and pain in her leg. They thought the clot was covering her inferior vena cava, but after she had surgery to remove the clot, they realized her inferior vena cava was completely …

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My Strained Muscle was a Blood Clot: Cristal’s Story

I’m in my mid-twenties and very active. When I experienced calf pain for about two weeks, I attributed it to a strain from uphill running and other cardio and weightlifting workouts. Towards the end of two weeks, I couldn’t ignore the pain. I decided to pop into a nearby physical therapist’s office. I explained my…

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Finally Myself Again: Katie’s Story

I ran my first marathon in 2017, started graduate school for a Masters in Accounting, and accepted a job with a public accounting firm post-graduation. I have always led an active lifestyle throughout high school and into college, which is why it is still difficult for me to wrap my head around the fact that…

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The Right Treatment Changed My Life: Jan’s Story

In June 2011, 16 weeks after giving birth to my first child, I started having symptoms of back pain. As a  23-year-old new mother, I diagnosed myself with all sorts of things. I decided that the pain I was experiencing must be my kidneys reacting to alcohol after such a long time without any, and…

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I Had Three PEs: Kirsys’ Story

For all of my life, I have struggled with my weight. When I was 23 and 346 pounds, I decided to get gastric bypass surgery. That is when my nightmare started.  After the surgery, I followed my doctor’s orders to walk as much as possible. However, I started experiencing chest pain about a week later…

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Remembering my Godson and Making a Difference: Dianna’s Story

After three and a half years, I am ready to share my story about blood clots and pulmonary emboli. My story is tied to my godson, Paul Englert Jr., who unfortunately did not have the same outcome as me. Almost four years ago, he lost his life to a pulmonary embolism at just 19 years…

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