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I Thought I Had a Blood Clot, But No One Listened: Cherree’s Story

Three months after a surgical procedure, I went to urgent care as my leg was turning colors and I couldn’t walk. I was told that I had plantar fasciitis on the top of my foot. That was so off track, so I went to a sports medicine doctor who diagnosed me with tendonitis just by…

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I Can Dance Despite Having a Chronic DVT: Debashmita’s Story

In March 2020, I couldn’t move my right leg after waking up, and soon my entire leg and thigh became rock-hard and swollen. I was rushed to the hospital and was diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis in my right leg, running from my right foot to my right pelvis. The doctors said that if had…

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If I Had Waited One More Day, I Wouldn’t Be Here: Heather’s Story

Last March, I had turned 35 exactly a week before my traumatic discovery. I had a terrible, terrible, headache. I knew that after a few days of having this head pain, something wasn’t right. I was flown out of my local emergency room to a stroke center, where I was told I had two brain…

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Don’t Ignore the Ache: Demi’s Story

In September 2022, I gave birth to my second child, a little boy weighing 9 lbs. and 11 oz. Sadly, he passed away at 12 days old due to issues during my labor, which caused brain damage, specifically hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). At my six-week checkup with my general practitioner, I mentioned pain in my stomach…

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This Experience Has Scared Me: Sally’s Story

At 45, I was a healthy, active mom and just thought I was having ongoing respiratory issues from a previous cold and cough. I suddenly had pain in my chest, shortness of breath, and a rapid heart rate, which got worse if I walked around. I went to a walk-in clinic the next day, where…

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Many Doctors Aren’t Familiar with CVST: Abigail’s Story

I woke up one morning with the worst headache of my life. I immediately thought it was a migraine because my mom suffers from them. I had also been sick for weeks before, so I thought it could have been from that. So I popped a couple of ibuprofen and went to work. It never…

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Keep Finding Joy in Little Things: Arielle’s Story

I am a two time blood clot survivor. My first pulmonary embolism was at 21 after endometriosis surgery and while on birth control, and my symptoms included shortness of breath and back pain making it impossible to sit back or lie back. My second clot happened when I was 25 after a cross-country flight. I…

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I Want to Help Raise Awareness: Corrinne’s Story

In the spring of 2023, I gained a new appreciation for the gift of breathing. Over a period of weeks, I grew increasingly short of breath. As I was misdiagnosed twice, first with allergy-induced asthma and then bronchitis, I struggled more and more to breathe during everyday activities. After several weeks, I was so short…

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Please Listen to Your Body: Tonya’s Story

I started experiencing pain in my left calf and by morning the next day, I was in excruciating pain. I called my doctor’s office and they asked me to come in as soon as possible. After the D-dimer bloodwork results showed I likely had a clot, I received a Doppler scan that revealed the DVT.…

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I’ve Spent the Last Decade Fighting to be Heard by Medical Professionals: Kate’s Story

In July 2023, I went to the emergency room with immobilizing pain and swelling in my left leg. I was quickly diagnosed with two DVTs and was put on apixaban despite being a healthy 37-year-old with no risk factors. About six weeks later, I was still experiencing pain and swelling. I requested another ultrasound despite…

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