Helping Women Make Choices About Contraception Following DVT Blood Clots
…DVT? How much do you know about the pros and cons of …
Blood Clot Awareness Month 2017: “Know More, Share More”
…risks connected to several important life stages most women face, …
I’m Very Grateful for my Blood Clots: Erica’s Story
…I have these under control now. Every year, I celebrate my clotiversary. I take pride in what I’ve gone through. Resources Factor V Leiden Birth Control and Blood Clots Know…
Blood Clot Awareness Month 2018: “Raise Your Voice to Raise Blood Clot Awareness”
…to help women understand the blood clot risks connected to …
Doctors Will Gaslight You Into Believing You’re Crazy: Kourtney’s Story
…period for almost 30 days. My gynecologist prescribed me birth control to stop my period. From mid-January until April, I was taking four birth control pills a day to control…
Health Professionals
…assessment tool for women making choices about birth …
Upcoming NBCA Abstract Presentations
…National Blood Clot Alliance (NBCA) will present at the 2nd …
We Need More Voices, But Too Many of Us Aren’t Lucky Enough to Share Our Stories: Kyra’s Story
…even from birth control. We need more voices, but ultimately, too many of us are not lucky enough to share our stories. Resources Factor V Leiden Genetic Testing for Clotting…
What is factor V Leiden?
…clotting. For example, I stay hydrated, I exercise, I am not on …
Paramedics Assumed It Was Anxiety: Christina’s Story
…CT or D-Dimer, which would have indicated what was wrong, along with her recent start to birth control and broken foot. On Tuesday, January 13, 2015, Christina was experiencing pain…