Youth Doesn’t Equal Invincibility: Helen’s Story
…immediately asked me if I was on hormonal birth control. I said yes, I had been on the combo pill since July. I will never forget the look of horror…
I’m the Most Positive Person in the World: Colleen’s Story
…I had to have surgery. After having surgery, I was put on Quasence – an extended-cycle birth control pill that allowed me to have only four menstrual cycles a year….
Listen to Your Body and Trust Your Doctor: Dana’s Story
…stopped taking the low-dose estrogen birth control I had been on for years. Whenever I travel by car or plane, I always make sure to stretch my legs. Upon recently…
I Knew Nothing About Blood Clots: Shawna’s Story
…wasn’t on birth control, I had had any recent injuries or surgeries. A month or so later, I was diagnosed with factor II mutation. This knowledge changed the course of…
Don’t Let Anyone Dismiss Your Symptoms: Haley’s Story
…close together, which causes the blood circulation in my arms to be sluggish. I was also taking hormonal birth control pills that added to my risk that I have since…
My Daughter is Afraid I Won’t Come Home From My Appointments: Kate’s Story
…difficult. In terms of risk factors, I was on hormonal birth control and had undergone knee surgery. I’m now fearful of all aches and pains. Being on blood thinners means…
Remember You Are Brave, Resilient and Strong: Noelle’s Story
…into the emergency department nervous and alone. “I think I might have a blood clot,” I said to the woman at check-in, “I recently changed my birth control.” A Doppler…
It’s Common to be Misdiagnosed: Molly’s Story
…had recovered. I took apixaban for six months as the clot was very likely caused by birth control and my genetic tests were negative. I’m grateful for the wonderful medical…
My Hospital Stay Contributed to My Blood Clots: Krista’s Story
…I was on hormonal birth control and I had a hospital stay, both of which contributed to my blood clots. My advice is to trust your body and your instincts….
I Started Losing My Vision: Lydia’s Story
…(CVST) located in my superior sagittal sinus, right transverse, and sigmoid sinus. I also discovered I have factor II clotting disorder. That and hormonal birth control most likely contributed to…