Know Your Family Health History: Kelly’s Story

…why knowing your family health history is so important! It is also important to know if you have other risk factors for blood clots, such as taking hormonal birth control,…

Blood Clot Awareness Month 2016

…including: Birth control and family planning …

Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS)

…as lung and ovarian), infections (like AIDS and malaria) and …

Anna’s Story as Told by her Family

…she did not link her birth control pills and short- ness of breath to her leg pain or the possibility of a DVT. Although her doctor suspected a blood clot,…

May e-Newsletter | Celebrate National Women’s Health Week

…to provide women with essential information about birth …


…sharing information about the risks women face for blood clots, …

AUGUST E-NEWSLETTER: Get the Latest News & Information

…lives. Read all of the important details below. NEWS & …

What Affects Me Most is the Anxiety: Jocelyn’s Story

…lungs. Doctors believed birth control was my only risk factor, but a year later I was diagnosed with May-Thurner Syndrome. Six months after that, I had a stent placed. I…

My PE Was Linked To Protein C Deficiency: Michael’s Story

…causes or risks. After doing research and talking to people, it seemed to me that everyone had an explanation for their clot; whether it was birth control pills in women,…

My Story Ends With Hospital Discharge: Kaila’s Story

…still deal with anxiety, some chest pain and shortness of breath, but it was determined that my pulmonary embolism was caused by my birth control pill and not other risk…