Looking Back With Gratitude: Marianne’s Story

…and many blood thinner injections. When I gave birth to my second son, I could finally feel my body start to heal. My right lung has scar tissue and the…

My Doctor Said I Was Fine, My Intuition Saved My Life: Chriselda’s Story

…pregnancy pain. After giving birth, I followed up with my primary doctor and neurologist. All of my doctor’s visits concluded with no diagnosis. My second pregnancy caused the pain to…

I Experienced DVTs on Three Occasions: Joanna’s Story

My first DVT was in July 1995, two weeks after the birth of my first (and only) child. I had a shooting pain in my left buttocks and rode an…

I Couldn’t Walk Without Extreme Pain: Kris’ Story

In July 2022, I gave birth to my second child via C-section. In October, I was doing physical therapy for my back. I woke up one morning and my left…

My Lifelong Experience with FVL: Gemma’s Story

…all. I had a normal pregnancy and birth with my son when I was 23 years old, and blood clots were never something I worried about. In May 2019, I…

My First DVT Was Related to My C-Section: Salonda’s Story

…my birth family. I have three beautiful children that I would like to raise to adulthood, and would do anything to be around to watch them grow. I am very…

The Worst Pain I Ever Endured: Mr. E. Anonymous’ Story

…to wear compression stockings. There is no history of blood clots in my birth family, and the broken bones I referred to occurred six years before my blood clot. Tests…

Volunteer Spotlight: Donna Brovdender

Thirty-five year old Ali Senser died of a pulmonary embolism (PE), or blood clot in her lung, within 48 hours of giving birth to her third daughter in March of…

It’s So Important to Fight For Your Health: Taylor’s Story

…shallow and thin. I was getting enough air, but the feeling of breathing had become so exhausting. Two weeks after giving birth, I decided to go to urgent care for…

I Had Three PEs: Kirsys’ Story

…my OB/GYN. Without this information, I was never given blood thinning injections to prevent blood clots during pregnancy and postpartum when your risk is elevated. After I gave birth, I…