I Started Losing My Vision: Lydia’s Story
…(CVST) located in my superior sagittal sinus, right transverse, and sigmoid sinus. I also discovered I have factor II clotting disorder. That and hormonal birth control most likely contributed to…
Died of a PE at 23: Anna’s Story
…taking a third generation birth control pill. Results of an ultrasound/Doppler of her leg were negative for DVT. At a follow-up three weeks later, her leg was normal shape and…
I Was Dismissed Twice at the ER: Erin’s Story
…estrogen-based birth control, dehydration, COVID-19, and psoriasis were all working behind the scenes to provoke my blood clot. My family and I also got tested for blood clotting disorders but…
Factor V Leiden Resources
…United States have this. FVL. FVL increases a person’s risk …
…extent of their participation. CNE: The Centers for Disease …
Nationwide 12-month Postpartum Medicaid Coverage Ask to Congress
…Available at: …
Protein C Deficiency
…study by Griffin et al. in 1982 [2]. The dramatic neonatal …
Blood Clots in Orthopedic Surgery Fact Sheet
…or cast Estrogen-based birth control pills, …
Factor V Leiden
…managed during pregnancy, childbirth and for six …
Listen To Your Body: Mariah’s Story
…effect of the birth control I was taking. In addition to taking my prescribed blood thinners, I also incorporated other approaches like daily hot water soaks, excluding dairy from my…