This Experience Helped Me Find My Love For Medicine: Zoe’s Story

Three days after my 18th birthday, I experienced severe swelling in my left leg. I assumed I pulled a muscle as I went ice skating on my birthday, but that…

National Blood Clot Alliance

…clotting disorders, atrial fibrillation, cancer, traumatic …

Born with Prothrombin Mutation Gene: Tyson’s Story

…this gene when she gets older, and we plan to talk to her about her choices when it comes to estrogen-based birth control and starting her own family. This experience…

The Spark for Advocacy: Michele’s Story

…surgery. At the time, I was slightly overweight and on hormonal birth control pills. I also had a family history of blood clots and two different genetic clotting mutations, although…

First a Blood Clot, Then Cancer: Hope’s Story

…told to get off my birth control pills and begin to administer enoxaparin (Lovenox) shots twice a day to manage the clot. I left the ER devastated…This was not in…

What causes blood clots in children?

…child’s tendency to form blood clots. We call these …

It All Happened So Quickly: Charlotte’s Story

…my left leg. I was in shock. In terms of risk factors, I was on estrogen-based birth control, which is believed to have contributed to the clots. I was admitted…

Know Your Risk for Blood Clots: Arianna’s Story

…They called it saddle pulmonary emboli. (PE). They asked if I was on birth control pills, and I told them yes. I had to stop taking them immediately because they…

Protein C Deficiency Often Has No Symptoms: Alicia’s Story

…results, second opinions, and even missed results. After being told that my PEs were from my birth control alone, I was diagnosed with Protein C deficiency a month later, which…

My Resting Heart Rate Was 180: Mryn’s Story

…The estrogen-based birth control I had been taking is believed to have contributed to my blood clots. I ended up going to the University of Iowa for college. I had…