I Thought I Was Having a Bad Panic Attack: Britney’s Story

…“off” to get checked out. Believe in your gut feeling. You know your body best, and it just may save your life! Resources Blood Clots and Birth Control Facebook Support…

Questions to Ask Your Doctor After Having a Blood Clot

…and work life? Will this affect my sex life? Do I need to switch …

Be Aware and Care: Amy’s Story, as Told by her Husband Frank

…was unusual was Amy mentioning a rapid heart rate about a week before her death. I was told the blood clot was most likely caused by the hormonal birth control


control and family planning, pregnancy and …

I Developed a DVT During Childbirth in the 12 Hours I Was Off My Blood Thinner: Maggie’s Story

…combined with birth control, pregnancy, and childbirth, contributed to my blood clots. Having a clotting disorder has made me view life, especially motherhood, as a privilege I am so grateful…

The Pressure and Pain Were Unbearable: Autumn’s Story

…the pandemic and all. In terms of risk factors, I was taking estrogen-based birth control and I was also diagnosed with May-Thurner syndrome. Even four years later, I still have…

If I Had Waited Any Longer, I Could Have Died: Allyson’s Story

…multiple risk factors — COVID-19 and the hormonal birth control I was prescribed — had likely caused my blood clots. I am currently being tested for any genetic clotting disorders…

NBCA Announces New Stoplight Risk Evaluation Tool For Blood Clots

…The tool puts into perspective various risk factors including …

NBCA Corporate Roundtable

…be susceptible to blood clots, including people with clotting …

Athletes and Blood Clots

…Immobilization (brace or cast) Bone fracture or major surgery …