…our community every day. Tarin has had knee surgery, been …

This Was a Terrifying, Life-Altering, and Isolating Experience: Logan’s Story

…they also discussed potentially losing my leg. The doctors discovered my genetic conditions of protein S deficiency and MTFHR gene mutation. I was also taking the birth control pill. From…

NBCA Raises Awareness about Blood Clots at Annual North Carolina Women’s Rally

…issues and clotting risk. These include genetic tendency to clot, …

I Thought I Did Everything Right: Lauren’s Story

…surgery, I stopped my combination birth control for two weeks and took aspirin to lower my risk for a blood clot. I followed my discharge instructions and doctor’s orders to…

My Symptoms Were Misdiagnosed as Anxiety: Tamara’s Story

I had knee surgery and was six weeks post-op, so I had no worries about clots. I was also on birth control, though. I stretched one night and felt excruciating…

I Appreciate Good Health More Now: Susan’s Story

…the hormonal birth control I was prescribed to ease menopause symptoms. Before the diagnosis, I had felt tired, had back and neck pain, was short of breath, and had begun…

April e-Newsletter | Sharing our Success

…from reading the warning label on her birth …

A Knee Injury Turned Dangerous: Jamie Kreger’s Blood Clot Story

My story begins with a knee injury in October 2015. I was in an immobilizer brace for about four weeks. I was also taking birth control pills. I was 39…

My Doctor Laughed At Me: Charmaine’s Story

…six months afterward. I am now off the blood thinners and living a normal life after this traumatic event. My doctor knew I was on birth control with a leg…

A Clot From My Belly Button to Knee: Jane’s Story

…go any faster. My story started awhile ago. Unknowingly, I began using a well known brand of birth control patch that was so prominent that it seemed as safe as…