How can DVT/PE be prevented in children?
…in the arteries of the body. Not taking estrogen, such as …
August e-Newsletter | Celebrating 15 Years of Service
…birth control and blood clot risks with over …
The Older I Get, the Scarier it Gets: Brenda’s Story
…of clots, plus I was on estrogen-based birth control. I’ve been dealing with this condition for almost 40 years, and not a lot has changed in how they treat it….
My Pain Was Ignored For Almost a Year: Caitlin’s Story
…other risk factors included being overweight and taking estrogen-based birth control. Due to this experience, I was unable to work and unable to walk without aids, causing me to suffer…
My PE Gave Me a New Perspective on Health Inequities: Vanessa’s Story
…family members to do the same. Resources Join our online peer support community to connect with other people who have experienced a blood clot. Learn more about birth control and…
This Experience Has Scared Me: Sally’s Story
…I had taken birth control in the past, but I don’t know yet what caused this. I hope to learn more through further blood work. This experience has scared me!…
Young People Get Blood Clots Too: Michelle’s Story
…May Thurner Syndrome and Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome that contributed to my clotting experience in addition to a hip injury and the estrogen-based birth control I was on. Although my clot…
My Risk Factors Were a Perfect Storm: Presley’s Story
…factor II, I had broken my leg, had surgery (which left me non-weight-bearing for six weeks), was on estrogen-based birth control, and was dehydrated. I would say no matter your…
My Diagnosis Was Cortical Venous Thrombosis in the Vein of Labbe: Oscar’s Story
…an uncommon medical event and typically happens to women who are childbearing or taking birth control. I had no risk factors for CVT, so my event is considered unprovoked. After…
Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism
…age, especially after age 50 Women who are pregnant or take …