Don’t Dismiss Pain: Stephanie’s Story
…two injections daily for almost a year throughout pregnancy and the weeks after. My advice to others is: Don’t dismiss pain. Resources Signs and Symptoms Factor V Leiden Birth Control…
I Am a Woman of Faith and That Has Kept Me Encouraged: Jody’s Story
…I had not been hospitalized, taken a long trip, or been on birth control. I am an educator and am on my feet most of the day. I also work…
How can DVT/PE be prevented in children?
…in the arteries of the body. Not taking estrogen, such as …
August e-Newsletter | Celebrating 15 Years of Service
…birth control and blood clot risks with over …
The Older I Get, the Scarier it Gets: Brenda’s Story
…of clots, plus I was on estrogen-based birth control. I’ve been dealing with this condition for almost 40 years, and not a lot has changed in how they treat it….
My Pain Was Ignored For Almost a Year: Caitlin’s Story
…other risk factors included being overweight and taking estrogen-based birth control. Due to this experience, I was unable to work and unable to walk without aids, causing me to suffer…
My PE Gave Me a New Perspective on Health Inequities: Vanessa’s Story
…family members to do the same. Resources Join our online peer support community to connect with other people who have experienced a blood clot. Learn more about birth control and…
This Experience Has Scared Me: Sally’s Story
…I had taken birth control in the past, but I don’t know yet what caused this. I hope to learn more through further blood work. This experience has scared me!…
Young People Get Blood Clots Too: Michelle’s Story
…May Thurner Syndrome and Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome that contributed to my clotting experience in addition to a hip injury and the estrogen-based birth control I was on. Although my clot…
My Risk Factors Were a Perfect Storm: Presley’s Story
…factor II, I had broken my leg, had surgery (which left me non-weight-bearing for six weeks), was on estrogen-based birth control, and was dehydrated. I would say no matter your…