My Diagnosis Was Cortical Venous Thrombosis in the Vein of Labbe: Oscar’s Story

…an uncommon medical event and typically happens to women who are childbearing or taking birth control. I had no risk factors for CVT, so my event is considered unprovoked. After…

Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism

…age, especially after age 50 Women who are pregnant or take …

The Who, What, When and Why of Blood Clot Awareness Month

…from a blood clot. Blood clots are the #1 killer of new mothers …

My Youngest Son Saved my Life: Renee’s Story

…long-term use of birth control pills and May-Thurner Syndrome (MTS) were the main causes of my DVT along with long car rides, long meetings (too much sitting), and dehydration. All…

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and Pulmonary Embolism Podcast Transcript

…considered for DVT prophylaxis if hospitalized or undergoing …

My Life with May-Thurner Syndrome: Kelly’s Story

…the cause of my clots. My OBGYN said there is no way it was birth control. I was on the lowest dose and my clotting was too extreme. I eventually…

Awareness Saves Lives: Patrick & Meredith’s Story

…learned from me. If only we had known the risks of estrogen birth control pills and the symptoms of a blood clot, perhaps she would be with us today. So…

Being an RN Didn’t Help Me: Sarah’s Story

…because I was 26 years old and had no risk factors. I was not taking birth control, I did not smoke or use drugs or alcohol, and I was fairly…

This Diagnosis Was Shocking: Lacey’s Story

…been a long journey, but I am so thankful for all of the support I have had along the way. Resources Psychological Impact of Blood Clots Varicose Veins Birth Control