Never Let Embarrassment Stop You From Getting Help: Briar’s Story

…being nothing, but going saved my life. Your health is far more important than worrying about what others might think. Resources Birth Control Factor V Leiden Know Your Risk  …

April e-Newsletter | Sharing our Success

…from reading the warning label on her birth …

They Didn’t Believe My Pain: Meagan’s Story

…ICU where I spent six long days. My risk factors were estrogen-based birth control and a recent pregnancy. We are waiting on the results to determine if I have a…

A Knee Injury Turned Dangerous: Jamie Kreger’s Blood Clot Story

My story begins with a knee injury in October 2015. I was in an immobilizer brace for about four weeks. I was also taking birth control pills. I was 39…

My Doctor Laughed At Me: Charmaine’s Story

…six months afterward. I am now off the blood thinners and living a normal life after this traumatic event. My doctor knew I was on birth control with a leg…

A Clot From My Belly Button to Knee: Jane’s Story

…go any faster. My story started awhile ago. Unknowingly, I began using a well known brand of birth control patch that was so prominent that it seemed as safe as…

Taking a Breath: A Stop the Clot Podcast

…that doctors believe was provoked by birth …

The Hematologist Told Me to Buy a Lottery Ticket For How Lucky I’d Been: McKenna’s Story

…Factor II heterozygous clotting disorder. In terms of risk factors, I was taking estrogen-based birth control and had a sedentary job. I was put on Eliquis indefinitely, but in the…

Healing Physically Was the Easy Part: Chloe’s Story

…terms of risk factors, there were none. No one in my family had a history of clots and genetic testing showed no clotting disorders. I was on birth control for…