AFib is Always Top of Mind: Kay’s Story

…worry. And if this is about trying to calm a racing heart, or reduce out-of-control blood pressure, the last thing the hospital should do is raise the patient’s anxiety level….

Stop the Clot®: What Every Healthcare Professional Should Know

…Clot Alliance acknowledges the guidance and support of Sara …

DVTs Can Occur After Surgery: Tim’s Story

…make sure there were no clots in my heart. Since the results of that echocardiogram were clear, they did the cardioversion, which is a controlled electrical current to the heart…

Journal Showcases Successful Initiatives to Prevent HA-VTE

…(HHS) and the Centers for Disease Control and …


…killer in the United States.4 According to the U.S. Centers for …

Resources from NBCA’s Clinical Pearls Series

Webinar: Overcoming the Headache of Fluctuating INRs Have you lived …

‘For Every Day in May’ Wall of Dedications

…I lost my daughter-in-law to a massive blood clot days after …

One More Test: Casey’s Story

…patient education. We must change the care culture. Pregnancy and childbirth are understandably an exciting time in a woman’s life, but many doctors do not inform patients about the signs…

My DVT Was Misdiagnosed as Postpartum Swelling: Chelsea’s Story

…About 2-3 weeks after their birth, I noticed some discoloration on my leg, and it felt a little weak. I went to urgent care, where I was diagnosed with a…

He Passed Away on the Way to the Hospital: Brian’s Story

As told by his wife, Allison In January 2017, my husband Brian and I had been married for one year, and I had just given birth to our son seven…