The Lifelong Implications of Blood Clots: Lisa’s Story
I was first blindsided by deep vein thrombosis after the birth of my second child in 1993. Shortly after she was born, I remember stumbling on the steps on my…
A Fatal PE After Knee Surgery: Eric’s Story, as Told by Sophie
…He had no pain, no symptoms in his legs prior to this happening. There was no history of blood clots in his birth family, and he tested negative for blood…
My Son Died at 14: Kyle’s Story, as Told by His Mother
…or pleurisy. My nightmare taught me that it is wise to ask your child’s pediatrician whether testing is indicated when there is a history of blood clots in the birth…
NBCA Defends CDC’s Division of Blood Disorders FY 2014 Funding
…Center for Birth Defects and Developmental …
I Didn’t Think Blood Clots Could Happen to Me: Jim’s Story
…is no history of blood clots in my birth family, and I have since tested negative for blood clotting disorders. I had severe pain in both feet as soon as…
Looking Back With Gratitude: Marianne’s Story
…and many blood thinner injections. When I gave birth to my second son, I could finally feel my body start to heal. My right lung has scar tissue and the…
My Doctor Said I Was Fine, My Intuition Saved My Life: Chriselda’s Story
…pregnancy pain. After giving birth, I followed up with my primary doctor and neurologist. All of my doctor’s visits concluded with no diagnosis. My second pregnancy caused the pain to…
I Experienced DVTs on Three Occasions: Joanna’s Story
My first DVT was in July 1995, two weeks after the birth of my first (and only) child. I had a shooting pain in my left buttocks and rode an…
I Couldn’t Walk Without Extreme Pain: Kris’ Story
In July 2022, I gave birth to my second child via C-section. In October, I was doing physical therapy for my back. I woke up one morning and my left…
My Lifelong Experience with FVL: Gemma’s Story
…all. I had a normal pregnancy and birth with my son when I was 23 years old, and blood clots were never something I worried about. In May 2019, I…