Treatment Centers Specializing in Thrombosis and Thrombophilia

Control and Prevention, or CDC, also supports a …

One to Watch: 24 Hours on a Treadmill

…clotting disorder that only added to my risk profile. My life has …


…23, 2023, Katie Hoff, Stop the Clot Ambassador and 3x Olympic …

Register Now – VTE in Children: 2019 Scientific Update

The National Blood Clot Alliance (NBCA) is hosting an upcoming …

Privacy Policy

…the beginning. If you want to control which …

Dehydration and a Long Flight Were Triggers: Natalia’s Story

…worried about getting another PE, but I can only control so much. I have gotten so much conflicting advice from doctors and nurses. It’s frustrating. The NBCA patient community is…

Dr. Gary E. Raskob Joins NBCA Board of Directors

…(NHLBI), and as an advisor on blood disorders to the Centers for …

What are the symptoms of PE?

…intensive care unit and started on IV heparin. Three weeks later, …

Stop The Clot Forum Boston

…about Blood Thinners | Presented By Katherine Cabral, PharmD …

Volunteer Spotlight: Peter Kouides, MD

…co-edited a textbook of bleeding disorders in women. He is also involved with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the International Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis, and the National…