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Expecting or recently had a baby? Don’t let a blood clot spoil your joy
Discuss this checklist with your doctor.
- Know your risk
2. Talk with your doctor to learn if you would benefit from a prevention plan
Factors that increase your risk for a blood clot during pregnancy:
- Prolonged immobility due to bed rest during pregnancy or recovery after delivery
- Delivery by C-section
- A previous blood clot, a family history of blood clots, or a genetic blood clotting disorder
- Certain pregnancy complications and conditions, such as pregnancy with multiple babies or the use of fertility treatments involving the use of hormones
Additional factors that increase risk:
- Smoking
- Overweight or obesity
- Prolonged immobility, such as travel greater than 4 hours
- Surgery
- Pregnancy at age 35 or older
- Long-term diseases, such as heart and lung conditions or diabetes
- Talk to your family about your health history and tell your doctor if you or a family member has ever had a blood clot.
- Talk to your doctor about all your potential risks for developing a blood clot.
- Work with your doctor to reduce your risk for blood clots, especially if you are on bed rest or have had a C-section.
- Exercise as much as your doctor recommends.
- If you sit for long periods of time, move around or exercise your legs every 1-2 hours.
- Drink plenty of liquids.
- Take medications as prescribed and use compression devices as directed to improve blood flow.
3. Recognize the signs and symptoms
Seek medical care if you experience signs or symptoms of blood clots:
Blood clots in the legs or arms:
- Swelling of your leg or arm
- Pain or tenderness not caused by an injury
- Skin that is warm to the touch or red or discolored
If you experience any of these signs or symptoms, alert your doctor as soon as possible.
Blood clots in the lungs:
- Difficulty breathing
- Chest pain, worsens with a deep breath or cough
- Coughing up blood
- Faster than normal or irregular heartbeat
Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of these signs or symptoms
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