
Volunteer Spotlight: Ben and Kara King

Volunteer Spotlight: Ben and Kara King

Last month, Ben and Kara King celebrated their seventh consecutive year hosting the Austin 5k Fun Run/1 Mile Walk to Stop the Clot®, which is NBCA’s longest running annual volunteer organized event. This month, we are honoring Ben and Kara for their commitment to raising funds and awareness for NBCA, and for their passion for helping others learn more about the signs, symptoms, and risk factors for blood clots.

The Kings became involved with NBCA in 2011 after Kara, a mother of three young children, suffered a severe pulmonary embolism in September 2010. At the time, she was only 35 years old. Despite Kara being well aware of the symptoms of DVT and PE, her leg pain was initially misdiagnosed as a pulled muscle. By the time Kara was properly diagnosed, she had a full leg DVT and bilateral PEs. Doctors told Ben, Kara’s husband, to expect the worst.

Kara was unable to walk for the three first months after her stay in the ICU, but she knew she had to do something to educate others about blood clots. Miraculously, the inaugural Austin 5k Fun Run/1 Mile Walk to Stop the Clot® was held only seven months later.

In its seven-year history, the Austin event has raised over $100,000 for the National Blood Clot Alliance.  In addition, this event is directly tied to saving lives. Through all of their hard work, Ben and Kara serve as NBCA Ambassadors in Texas, and take advantage of numerous opportunities to educate countless individuals about the signs, symptoms and risk factors of blood clots. They are gratified when individuals share their personal blood clot stories with them, and learn about the symptoms and seriousness of blood clots.

Ben and Kara, we are forever grateful for all you’ve done for NBCA, our supporters, and the lives you have helped to save. You have selflessly used your own harrowing experience to make a difference in the lives of others. Thank you for continuing to be a treasured part of the NBCA family and for making a difference every single day.

For more about Kara’s story, check out this Health Journal article, which features Kara’s experience with blood clots and her road to recovery.

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