NBCA Corporate Roundtable


In 2015, the National Blood Clot Alliance (NBCA) introduced a new collaborative effort focused on the development of strong and lasting partnerships with the corporations that provide products and services that contribute to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of blood clots. This effort continues today, with additional members joining our Corporate Roundtable team each year.

Working together in the name of shared interests and common goals, the purpose of this collaborative Corporate Roundtable is two-fold:

  • To help the public — including consumers and patients — understand the risks and the signs and symptoms of blood clots, as well as the importance of blood clot prevention and timely treatment.
  • To provide members of the public with the information they need to be empowered to engage effectively with their healthcare providers about blood clot risks, signs and symptoms, and timely and effective treatment.


Membership in NBCA’s Corporate Roundtable illustrates the commitment of these key corporate stakeholders to people affected by blood clots and clotting disorders. NBCA extends its appreciation to the following organizations for supporting NBCA’s mission.



Join Us

Members in NBCA’s Corporate Roundtable demonstrate a commitment to supporting the following NBCA goals:

  • To improve the health of people affected by blood clots and clotting disorders through philanthropic support of quality programs aimed at increasing awareness about the impact of venous thromboembolism.
  • To forge partnerships that lead to high-impact gains that will bring about greater awareness about blood clots, their risk and symptoms, how to prevent them, and how to treat them swiftly and effectively when they do occur.

To learn more about corporate support opportunities and benefits, please contact info@stoptheclot.org.

Roundtable News and Events

NBCA’s first Corporate Roundtable meeting took place in Washington, D.C., in conjunction with the organization’s Board of Directors meeting, April 24-26, 2015. In 2016, NBCA orchestrated its annual Corporate Roundtable meeting in Chicago, and in conjunction with the Thrombosis and Hemostasis Societies of North America meeting taking place there, April 14-16. In 2017, NBCA held its Corporate Roundtable meeting in connection with the Annual Meeting of the Anticoagulation Forum, in Los Angeles, April 20-22.  NBCA held its 2018 Corporate Roundtable in San Diego, in connection with the Thrombosis and Hemostasis Societies of North America meeting that took place there in March. In 2019, NBCA held its Corporate Roundtable meeting in Fort Lauderdale, in connection with the annual Anticoagulation Forum meeting there in April.

National Blood Clot Alliance Mission

The National Blood Clot Alliance is a 501(c) 3, non-profit, voluntary health organization. The organization is dedicated to advancing the prevention, early diagnosis and successful treatment of life-threatening blood clots, such as deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and clot-provoked stroke. NBCA foresees a future in which the number of those suffering and dying from blood clots in the United States is reduced significantly. Since 2007, more than $5 million has been raised by NBCA to support our education programs for patients/families, health professionals, and the general public, as well as programs of support and volunteer development directed at achieving targeted health behaviors and outcomes. NBCA’s website has grown from 55,000 visitors annually to 3 million per year during the span of the past six years, and the reach of the organization’s educational programs also has grown dramatically in recent years, with the rollout of several new programs and services that support NBCA’s mission.

NBCA works on behalf of people who may be susceptible to blood clots, including people with clotting disorders, atrial fibrillation, cancer, traumatic injury, and risks related to surgery, lengthy immobility, childbirth, and birth control. NBCA accomplishes its mission through programs that build public awareness, educate patients and healthcare professionals, and that promote supportive public and private sector policy.

As a patient-led, voluntary health advocacy organization, NBCA’s Board of Directors includes many members who have been affected by blood clots, as well as many other volunteers who are inspired to Stop the Clot® by lending their support to NBCA. The Board benefits from the active support of NBCA’s distinguished Medical and Scientific Advisory Board (MASAB). MASAB members include many of the nation’s foremost experts focused in their clinical efforts on blood clots and blood clotting disorders.

NBCA is pleased to provide links to our Corporate Roundtable member organization websites as a courtesy. We do not, however, place branded content on our website, or promote member organization products on our website.  Please Note: NBCA provides external links to its Corporate Roundtable members for informational purposes only and neither reviews nor endorses the content on these external websites.

Current News

March Recognized as Blood Clot Awareness Month Across the U.S.

Throughout March, states and cities across the country have officially recognized Blood Clot Awareness Month, reinforcing the importance of education…

March is Blood Clot Awareness Month

March is Blood Clot Awareness Month (BCAM), a time dedicated to spreading the word about blood clots and their potentially…